[NJ Congressional Voting Record (29 December 2008) & AAP Updates]

Day 405, 19:17 Published in USA USA by Ian John Locke IV

-{New Citizen Fee}
Proposed by zigon1.
Citizen fee change from 5 USD to 9 USD
--How I voted
For those of you who do not know, a citizen fee is not something we charge American citizens, if it were, 5 USD would be too high for most new players and we'd be forced to drop it. A New Citizen Fee is for new players of the game who decide to join the US. It gives them enough money to buy food and get on their feet.
--How it looks like it will turn out
This will most definitely be rejected. In case you haven't noticed, zigon1 has proposed two bills in the last two days. It turns out he is a multi-accounter (See this article)
--Direct influence on NJ
None... baby New Jerseyans will still get their 5 USD from the federal government, no questions asked.

-{Tax Change: Grain}
Proposed by Greystrand
The old taxes on Grain were as follows: 0/99/10 (This is standard notation for 0% VAT [Value added tax], 99% Import tax (tariff) and 10% Income tax (applies to both business owners and workers)
The new taxes were going to be 0/25/10.
--How I voted
Unlike zigon1's bills, this had a LOT of discussion on the eUSA forums. There were a lot of varying points of view about whether or not this would bring down food prices in eMerica. I feel that by lowering the import gates to foreign grain producers would be ridiculous. Most grain companies out there are struggling as it is. And considering that I have seen more grain companies for sale than other companies, I'm inclined to believe that if we lowered the tariffs then we'd see even more grain companies for sale.
--How it looks it will turn out
Well there is both a lot of support and a lot of rallying against this bill, currently it stands at 24 Yes and 14 No. I am not sure, but I have a feeling it will pass, unfortunately for our grain market.
--Direct influence on NJ
Well our food prices may go up. Consider this, if our companies go belly up, then foreigners can start raising prices again. Sure we could stock pile food, but either way we'll be paying through the nose again, eventually.

I am also keeping a running tally of my record here.

AAP Updates
Uncle Sam, our next candidate for president, has secured the nomination and endorsement of the United States Workers Party, currently the largest political party in the world.

I will continue campaigning on behalf of Uncle Sam and in light of this endorsement would like to formally announce my campaign for Party President, which will start January 6th. It appears that an opponent of mine for this seat of honor will be Leo Ruby. Leo's highly experienced and well known figure both in the AAP and in eRep in general. I look forward to this race starting January 6th.