[NJ Congressional Voting Record (22 Jan 2008)]

Day 429, 08:25 Published in USA USA by Ian John Locke IV

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-{Mutual Protection Pact}
Proposed by kir
President of Norway proposed a mutual protection pact with USA
--How I voted
Norway is a strong ally and in another timezone. +4
They're paying the 30 gold for the MPP. +1
Total: +5/5
--How it looks like it will turn out
This will probably be accepted
--Direct influence on NJ
None, really

Proposed by Tyrsis
Do you agree to transfer 1275 BRL from the country accounts to National USA Federal Reserve?
--How I voted
We're securing the nation's treasury and moving it into an organization allows us to buy goods overseas and transfer them where needed.
--How it looks like it will turn out
It will probably be accepted
--Direct influence on NJ

-{Buy Constructions}
Proposed by Justinious McWalburgson III
Do you agree that USA should buy a defense system of quality 3 from Atlantis Defense company at the price of 12000 USD for Hawaii?
--How I voted
Hawaii needs a better Q DS. Buying this will allow Atlantis Defense Company to upgrade to Q4 (I believe this is what will happen)
--How it looks like it will turn out
It looks like it will be accepted
--Direct influence on NJ

** Please note I've implemented a points system inspired by the Forfeit Points system
If something like an MPP shows up I'll give you a score out of 5
I might start implementing this on other proposals, but for now just MPPs.
Here's how I'll score:
+2 if the nation has a strong army
+2 if the nation is in a different time zone
+1 if the nation is paying for the MPP
+1 if the nation has an above average army
+0 if the the nation has a mediocre army
+0 if we are paying for the MPP for the first time
+0 if the other nation and the USA are in the same timezone
-1 if this is the second or third consecutive time we have paid for the MPP

If you were to add that list up, you would see it comes to 5 points total.
As I did above, I will definitely put this next to each line. I will not delineate what is getting what, I will just put the total at the end of the line.

If you see a mistake in my basic arithmetic please feel free to point it out.

This grading system may not make sense to you guys, but I feel it is a fair way to measure the potentiality of a Mutual Protection Pact so bear with me please.

-Ian John Locke IV
--NJ Congress Member (Dec 08 - present)