[NJ Congressional Voting Record (11 Jan 2009)]

Day 418, 12:53 Published in USA USA by Ian John Locke IV

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--{Buy Constructions}
Proposed by Justinious McWalburgson III
Do you agree that USA should buy a defense system of quality 3 from Steely Glint company at the price of 11500 USD for Washington?
--How I voted
Defensive systems, although not as productive in defensive work as a Q5 hospital, are still crucial to make the wall higher.
--How it looks like it will turn out
This looks as if it will pass
--Direct influence on NJ

Proposed by Tyrsis
Do you agree to transfer 1756 BGN from the country accounts to National USA Federal Reserve?
--How I voted
We're working on making the federal accounts more secure. (See previous voting record article)
--How it looks like it will turn out
It looks as if it will pass.
--Direct influence on NJ

-{Tax Change: Wood}
Proposed by Leroy Combs
VAT: 0% >> 0%
Import: 10% >> 15%
Income: 10% >> 10%
--How I voted
Congress is working on standardizing taxes (see previous voting record article)
--How it looks like it will turn out
Too close to call right now but it will probably pass
--Direct influence on NJ
Affects the costs of building a house, but not majorly

[Congressional Discussion]

So many of you may be familiar with The Word - Now published by Donovanator (a newspaper I subscribe to)... He and I were talking on #us this afternoon and had a very interesting discussion, on which I would appreciate your opinions:

Donovanator> you say we should import RM but also import products such as food and gift, right?
IanJohnLockeIV> no
IanJohnLockeIV> not all RM
Donovanator> oH?
IanJohnLockeIV> and not all products
Donovanator> oh?
IanJohnLockeIV> I'm saying RMs that have no high productivity in eUSA
IanJohnLockeIV> should have lower import taxes
Donovanator> ok yeah
IanJohnLockeIV> I.e. Iron, Diamonds
Donovanator> i know
IanJohnLockeIV> Grain, Oil, Wood should stay high
IanJohnLockeIV> Oil actually has
Donovanator> i agree
IanJohnLockeIV> surprisingly
IanJohnLockeIV> Certain NECESSARY products though
IanJohnLockeIV> We should introduce competition for
IanJohnLockeIV> I am not suffering with Q2 food where it is
IanJohnLockeIV> That's just me though
IanJohnLockeIV> I've helped out my employees more times than I can count, though
IanJohnLockeIV> Because even though I've got competitive wages
IanJohnLockeIV> They still need help at the end of some days
IanJohnLockeIV> Food is expensive
IanJohnLockeIV> Gifts, idk tbh what my opinion is
IanJohnLockeIV> Houses are pretty much necessary though
Donovanator> yeah
Donovanator> my turn
Donovanator> lol
IanJohnLockeIV> Go ahead
IanJohnLockeIV> lol
IanJohnLockeIV> sorry i ramble sometimes
Donovanator> I think we should only import iron and diamonds during peace
Donovanator> during war
Donovanator> i think we should only import that plus guns and gifts
Donovanator> i don't think we should cave in to lower prices on food
Donovanator> i think that all new ppl should work for a q1 company
IanJohnLockeIV> Well that doesn't work anymore**
IanJohnLockeIV> (Sorry I'll sjhut up)
Donovanator> wait
Donovanator> lol
Donovanator> skill one land worker
Donovanator> gets paid $5
Donovanator> q2 food is $8
Donovanator> so if they work for a q2 company
Donovanator> they will loose welness
Donovanator> q1 food is
Donovanator> i can't find out
Donovanator> 503
Donovanator> is up again
Donovanator> lol
Donovanator> done
Donovanator> i g2g
Donovanator> nice talking to yeah
IanJohnLockeIV> damn lol
Donovanator> we should do this agian
Donovanator> *again
IanJohnLockeIV> yes

** I was going to say that with Human Resources in v1.0, we can't expect everyone to say "oh let me check the Quality of the company before I go work there" because people are only looking for more money.

Also Q2 companies deduct 2 wellness, Q2 food adds 2 wellness (unless I've missed something) and Q2 food (as of right now) is (the lowest price) 4.18 USD.

And at the moment Q1 food is 1.54 USD.

I agree for new players Q1 companies are optimal, but this should be an objective of the DoE. I plan to write an article on this ASAP.