[NJ Congressional Voting Record (10 January 2009)]

Day 417, 13:37 Published in USA USA by Ian John Locke IV

As always, I have updated my Congressional website updated as each issue passes my desk: http://sites.google.com/site/ijlivcongressionalrecord/Home/congressional-record

Edit: If you have something you'd rather not say in a comment on this article, say it here: http://spreadsheets.google.com/viewform?key=p4voEvfOU5f2mwNjrRDwQXg (Thank you!)


-{Tax Change; Food}
Proposed by ProggyPop
VAT: 3% >> 3%
Import: 45% >> 25%
Income: 7% >> 7%
--How I voted
Earlier I voted against a Import tax decrease on Grain. The intent was to lower the import taxes to allow competition for grain producers to make a dent in the prices of food. That was the wrong way to go, even though it passed. To lower food prices, we had to lower the import tax on FOOD, not grain. Although I didn't propose this legislation, I support it. 25% is still a hefty import tax, however, so do not think we're giving other countries free range on our markets. We're not.
--How it looks like it will turn out
It passed. (This was 11 days ago. Sorry for the late update)
--Direct influence on NJ
Hopefully food prices will have already started to decline (I don't keep track) lessening pressures on young and old NJ citizens alike as well as eUSA citizens everywhere.

-{Buy Constructions}
Proposed by Benn Dover (exPOTUS)
Do you agree that USA should buy a defense system of quality 3 from Impenetrable Shields company at the price of 10000 USD for Alaska?
--How I voted
Alaska has many bordering countries and needs this DS as well as a High Q hospital.
--How it looks like it will turn out
Passed. (9 days ago, again I'm sorry these are so late)
--Direct influence on NJ

-{Tax Change; Moving Tickets}
Proposed by Publius
VAT: 1% >> 3%
Import: 99% >> 20%
Income: 1% >> 7%
--How I voted
We are working on standardizing taxes in Congress. This will benefit our business owners
--How it looks like it will turn out
It passed. (Again I'm sorry for the delay)
--Direct influence on NJ
None except that people will be able to move here and elsewhere for less USD, hopefully.

-{Tax Change: Gift}
Proposed by Publius
VAT: 1% >> 3%
Import: 99% >> 20%
Income: 1% >> 7%
--How I voted
This will make it cheaper for people to start gifting circles which will benefit our country greatly.
--How it looks like it will turn out
It passed (6 days ago... again, sorry)
--Direct influence on NJ
Same reason as I cited as for why I voted yes.

-{Tax Change: Food}
Proposed by Jewitt
VAT: 3% >> 5%
Import: 25% >> 15%
Income: 7% >> 10%
--How I voted
Going along with standardizing taxes.
--How it looks like it will turn out
It passed (2 days ago, I'm catching up!)
--Direct influence on NJ
Lesser cost of living hopefully

-{New Citizen Message}
Proposed by Justinious
Do you agree on the text used by the president to welcome new Citizens in your country?
--How I voted
It was discussed on the eUSA forums before hand and I'd already seen the finished product as well as contributed to it. It is a good message.
--How it looks like it will turn out
It passed (2 days ago)
--Direct influence on NJ

Proposed by Pearlswine
Do you agree to transfer 3243 RON from the country accounts to National USA Federal Reserve?
--How I voted
We're trying to secure Federal funds and the safest place is in an organization. This also allows for greater transparency, especially considering we have started a form and spreadsheet for transparency.
--How it looks like it will turn out
It passed. (yesterday)
--Direct influence on NJ

-{Tax Change: Grain}
Proposed by Greystrand
VAT: 0% >> 0%
Import: 25% >> 15%
Income: 10% >> 10%
--How I voted
We cannot afford failing grain companies in the eUS. That's what this lower import tax would do
--How it looks like it will turn out
It passed (yesterday)
--Direct influence on NJ
None, if anyone has a grain company here, they deserve to lose it.

Proposed by AidenAstrup
Do you agree to transfer 3022 JPY from the country accounts to National USA Federal Reserve?
--How I voted
Same reason as the previous Donate issue
--How it looks like it will turn out
It will pass (Currently 36 Yes - 1 No)
--Direct influence on NJ

-{Tax Change: House}
Proposed by Ananias
VAT: 3% >> 3%
Import: 25% >> 5%
Income: 7% >> 10%
--How I voted
Standardization of taxes as well as more competition for house companies hopefully forcing prices down
--How it looks like it will turn out
It will pass (currently 29 Yes - 5 No)
--Direct influence on NJ
Cheaper housing