[NHS] Cool Report

Day 2,835, 03:21 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Gali.

In government and Congressional message threads there has been a lot of talk about how we can give the NHS a boost...but not much doing. We do have some help from CC in the form of a standardised article format, which I'll try and be implementing in the coming weeks.

This goes some way to solving the ongoing problem of publicity; it's very hard to let new players know about the NHS without it already being a focus in CP manifestos and general discussion. We also need the NHS to be publishing more articles, which is quite hard with such a small part of the team being genuinely active.

In my opinion, more people need to be involved in the workings of the NHS- more people will know what's going on, so there's more transparency, and the current team will be freed up from the pre-existing workload and will be able to write articles. We need more NHS lunchladies.

How do I become a lunchlady?

PM Madelina De Melrose saying that you'd like to help out with the NHS, and I'm sure you'll be set to work in no time.

What is the NHS?

The NHS is a daily supply of food to new players in the eUK below level 32 based on experience, we work out supplies based on 10 energy per 1 exp up to a maximum of 100 exp (1000 health) If you wish to see the people currently enrolled, you can view the spreadsheet here

-You must be under level 32
-You must be an eUK citizen and be in an eUK MU

Donating to the NHS

The NHS is always happy to receive donations, as it is the only way we can fund this service. If you want to donate please send your donations to Max Blue, Rodney Mckay, Madelina de Melrose, Tinman1, gali2332, Dr Kawishiwi or Robin Redcap with a message saying it is an NHS donation.