[New Jersey, will give you me a second term?]

Day 427, 20:23 Published in USA USA by Ian John Locke IV

Hey New Jerseyans!

For those of you who don't know... my name is Ian John Locke (IV) and I am here to recruit you!

Now if this were the 70s, I lived in California and I were openly gay and running for Supervisor, my name would be Harvey Milk. Thankfully it is not the 70s (although I'm must say I miss the music). I don't live in California (I live in New Jersey (in-game)) and I'm neither gay (openly or otherwise) nor am I running for Supervisor.

Instead, I am running for New Jersey Congressman.

[My platform]

Now I am running on the same platform (1 | 2) I ran on last time, except I now have experience.
-{I have been through one term of congress. I have voted on 32 proposals and bills.}
-{I have proposed a bill that was majorly successful.}
-{I have kept open communications with the residents of the state of New Jersey and even sent out a Congressional Survey. (Form: http://spreadsheets.google.com/viewform?key=p4voEvfOU5f2mwNjrRDwQXg&hl=en | Spreadsheet: http://spreadsheets.google.com/pub?key=p4voEvfOU5f2mwNjrRDwQXg )...}
-{I have kept an open record on my newspaper and on the website I established especially for my congressional record.}
-{I have been elected the Party President of my party, the AAP (America's Advancement Party) and have managed the Congressional elections for the new players (and am continuing to do so).}

In all honesty, a lot has happened to me over this past month...
I have become a congressman...
An active and contributing member on the IRC...
An active and contributing member on the eUSA forums...
I have secured a Q5 Defense System for New Jersey with fellow congressional members' help...
I have secured the promise of the next Q5 hospital for New Jersey (again with other congressmen's help)...
I have become the official Party President of the AAP (a second close race)..
I have written an article that has reached the top 5 (finally!)....
I have upped my national rank significantly....
I have discovered I was ranked #1 in New Jersey.

[My competitors]
I am not saying they are unqualified or would not work as hard as I have, I am just saying, I have a reputation as being honest, open, qualified, respectful and diligent. I have gotten things done for New Jersey.

Why would you bother trusting a new guy?