[MoFA]First Article

Day 1,518, 09:27 Published in Ireland Ireland by Irish Foreign Ministry

And yes finally we have an organization so that we can receive your messages and publish official articles.

First of all with a little delay we would like officially to congratulate MUFC92 for his win in January's elections and I would like to thank him for the position he trusted me.

Work in Ministry of Foreign Affairs started since the first day and I would like to inform you about the progress made all this time.

First step was to create an irc channel for our Foreign Affairs,people already started visiting it especially ambassadors,some cp and MoFAs of various countries.If you want to contact us visit us on #eIre.FA on Rizon.

Most important thing was that we reorganized the program of embassies.Here I would really like to thank all those ambassadors that accepted to help us in our difficult job,their help is precious and we already have 17 embassies running.

We now have a new section on our forum with 2 topics,one open to all foreign ambassadors that are trying to contact us and one secret area that the cp,the ministers and the ambassadors of eIreland communicate between them.If you want also to help in some embassy you may send a pm here.

Another important issue is that cs are now being checked from a minister of immigration Bassy.That was a little headache until now for congress members and Minister of Foreign Affairs.His job is difficult and we are glad we cooperate with him.

Also we can not forget the amazing job of ministry of financial and our minister there Sweet Drinker that allowed us to have more than enough money to re-sign mpps with our allies and sign some new ones.We are always in contact with governments of all countries of EDEN/TERRA and not only.We now discuss about the following embargoes also.

For any more questions or suggestions you may have send a message to our organization Irish Foreign Ministry

Minister of Foreign Affairs in eIreland