[MoF Report] President has resetted Orgs!!!

Day 2,696, 13:18 Published in Ireland South Korea by Don Croata

Hello eIreland,
as I’m writing this I’m shocked because of what our new President I wholeheartly wanted to be a decent and successful has done. Without ANY notice all of our orgs has been resetted, since he told me I’m going to be his Minister of Finances this term I definitly haven’t saw this coming, when I asked him what happened he just said “That’s my right to do”. I’m feeling dissapointed and sad because of this decision. Most of all I’m worried about his next steps, hopefully he’s not going to be another sawc or Daniel Plainview. That would have a devastating effect on me personally and to be honest I’d consider leaving the game. But, let's not jump into conclusions, I'm not accusing people without a proof.

Ending productive part of my eLife...
I’ve been Minister of Finances for 3-4 months now and in my terms we’ve made an income of more than half million IEP, which puts us among top countries of eWorld regardless of our size. In my opinion, my work and determination to make our nation rich wasn’t the reason why our new President has decided to take this step. Today, I’ve tried to log into one of our orgs to place another offer on Monetary Market when I realized that my login details won’t work. Not only that I haven’t been consulted with about this, but there was also my private money on our orgs, money from Irish Investment Fund and loouman’s and RTK’s money since they were working with our finances as well. None of this people haven’t been informed about the change.

I’ve always kept records of what I’m doing with our Finances, as Party Presidents of Top 5 parties knows and the rest of Irish population, I’ve kept Irish financial business transparent and open to all, I’ve offered everyone a chance to get involved, to invest money, we’ve been sharing our income with everyone through several projects. I may have several enemies in eIreland, but my work with Irish finances has always been somewhat supported and widely accepted by everyone around.

Considering I don’t have access to our assets anymore I’ve decided to publish my last Financial report with the state of funds before kuthesh has decided to change org details.

Before my term in March eIreland had a total of 1 958 590 IEP which can be confirmed by all Irish PP’s of that time, they’ve confirmed my report and the report has been published, you can open that article by pressing this LINK

The March term has been very expensive for us after doing an Airstrike on ePoland and after we had to start a Dictatorship to protect ourselves. Regardless, we’ve managed to make some income as well, which covered some of our expenditures. Of course, considering the amount of money spent, we couldn’t recover all of it in the same term, but I’m fairly sure that after two and a half months we’d be back to the state of funds before the term.

Our total expenditures can be divided into four groups:

1) Mutual Protection Pacts - 100 000 IEP
We have signed ten of them, which costed us 100 000 IEP. All of them can be seen on our country’s Administration page. We had to sign that many because of lack of the wars in the start (we had to give our soldiers some place to finish Daily Orders) and our Airstrike, which required more MPP’s for it to be interesting.

2) Airstrike costs - 435 000 IEP
We have spent 435 000 IEP on our Airstrike, majority of the money was spent on setting Combat Orders (around 330 000 IEP) while the rest of the money has been spent to actually start an Airstrike. This has been the first time in ages we had some fun, this amount of money has been brought to congress as soon as the Airstrike has end and I believe none of us can really regret spending on such cause.

3) Dictatorship Cost - 200 000 IEP
To be able to start a Dictatorship war and protect eIreland from the foreign threat we faced in that time we had to pay 200 000 IEP. Since there was a Military Unit in eIreland, which has also been gathering support to start foreign Military Take Over of our country we had to react sooner and start it by ourselves. As a proof of selfishness you can see that the previous Government has made kuthesh as a Dictator as soon as he won the elections. I’m afraid that many of you don’t trust or don’t realize the threat we’ve faced, so feel free to read my answer to RTK in his article where he asked good questions.

4) Other costs - 157 200 IEP
We have loaned a total of 100 000 IEP to eCanada since they’ve asked us for a loan, as a good ally we’ve helped them and eCanada is going to return this money to us as soon as possible. We’ve also decided to gift them with another 10 000 IEP since they were in devastating situation finacially, we’ve spent this money to cover for the RW starting costs. Another expenditure was Irish Army, we’ve spent a total of 47 200 IEP on Irish Army, but only a bit less than half of it has been transferred to Mr. Tayto (in tanks), the rest of the tanks are still on my account, waiting to be shiped to Tayto after figuring out Irish Army budget for the April term.

Total expenditures: 792 200 IEP

We have managed to make some proper income this term as well, thanks to the hard work and using many different ways of making money we’ve managed to cover the nice part of this huge expenditures. I’ve literally spent hours making us this money. Something I’ll never do again.

We can group our income into three groups:

1) Taxes - 24 998 IEP
We’ve made a decent amount of money through the taxes considering that our taxes are on its minimum, you can say that our market has been active, our producers productive and our people patriotic for buying Irish. With 1% taxes we’ve made a great amount.

2) Schemes & Monetary market - 155 440 IEP
Using our schemes and by trading with orgs on Monetary Market we’ve made a nice amount of money, considering our size and amount of the invested money we can be very happy with this income. I’ll keep schemes as my own secret which will be given to the next capable Minister of Finances so he can keep making money to eIreland. Monetary market is really dead recently, so only a small part of this is actually made through Monetary market. It looks like there were bigger chances of Ireland beating ePoland than us making some significant money through Monetary market.

3) Irish Army wages return - 16 800 IEP
Considering that Irish Army isn’t using communes anymore, our system works amazing. MoF buys and sends tanks to IA Commander, while he returns the wages made by its members over a month, it has been working perfectly for us and lowered our expenditures in same amount as the last month. Good job to Mr. Tayto for securing this works.

Total income: 197 238 IEP

Total change (Expenditures - Income) = -574 962 IEP

You will notice a difference of 20 000 IEP between in the total costs. That’s because there’s still 20 000 IEP of my own money used for the schemes trapped on orgs. This difference is still on the orgs, but not counted in the income vs. expenditures bill.

We have others people money on orgs as well, there’s 23 070 IEP which belongs to dMoF RTK, there’s also 1431 IEP which belongs to the other dMoF loouman and there’s 87 500 IEP which belongs to Investors of Irish Investment Fund I wanted to rename to Irasian’s Fond.

This means there was a surpluss of ~112 000 IEP on our orgs before kuthesh decided to take them under his own rule.

To conclude,
Hopefully, my opinion about kuthesh will improve after he did what he did, it was not a right thing to do, it’s not ethicly right and it’s unfair, but as he said “It’s his own right now”. I hope he won't use his another “right” to become a thief and rob eIreland once again. My work with the current Government is done and I don’t think I’ll be so included in eIreland anymore, I just feel this country can do so much more and thanks to our internal fights and most of all - parties selfishness we’re doing so bad. Small, divided and boring. This will never going to change. I can't express how dissapointed I am with kuthesh. Even if you don't steal anything afterall, I'm still uterly dissapointed by the way you handled this.

Ireland’s National channel - #eIreland
Irish MoFA Channel - #eire.fa

Ireland is a country with:

80% food bonuses
40% weapon bonuses
1% Work Tax
1% VAT
Why wouldn’t you join us?

Don Croata