[MoF] Manufacturing profitability - eIreland

Day 2,677, 15:47 Published in Ireland South Korea by Don Croata

Hello Ireland,
today we're presenting you the manufacturing profitability analyze for the companies in eIreland, using this tables we're trying to make you aware of what's profitable to build and what's not. As you can see here, the Government did the best we could to make you guys profit more, the country barely doesn't take anything from Irish producers and we're going to keep things this way.

We've asked iamkplus to do analyze of our manufacturing profitability for eIreland. He has done all the work which I'm presenting to you fully:


Today I would like to give you an article about eIrish productivity. I would like to warn you, that I counted the numbers in this article using the best job offer on the market, as it is the only possibility to get workers in most of the cases. If you have employees for a lower wage, however, these numbers are not good for you.

I think, it’s also important to note that eIrish market is a small one, so there are products, from which there are only offers for an unaccpetable price or no offers at all. In these cases I guessed a number (considering the international price of that product, and the price of the product in little countries), which may not be true - so maybe you can sell it for less or more. Nay, there are a chance that you can’t even sell it, as there are products the eIrish market doesn’t need, as there are no buyers for them. Please, be careful about this.

One more thing - prices can change very quickly, so be careful to check the actual market prices before starting a company.

But after all this, let’s start.


While making the article, I used these information. It may change over time, so please be careful.

First, start with Food Raw Material companies. A little information about them:

Now, let’s see their profitability.

As you can see, in these companies it’s only worth it to use “Work as manager”, and no employees at all. The Q5 FRM company gives you the most profit, but the Q3 one needs a shorter time to pay-off. Well, it’s still as much as 316 days, what is a pretty long time in a game, so you should know that making companies is a long-term investment.

Your profit will be defined mostly by the amount of available food bonuses. (As eIreland have a pretty good amount of them, the food industry seems to be the best choice for eIrish players, who want to invest in companies.) The market price of the raw material also matters. Sorrily it is very low nowadays, affected by the overproduction of the new world.

But let’s go on to our next step, the food manufacturing companies. First, I would like to show you an overall table about it. Please, consider that, i used the ”-45% discount” prices, as it’s only worth it to buy companies when this action is available. Usually admins give us one every month.

Let’s see the profitability. As FRM is cheaper in bigger countries (0.02 cc) I suppose you’ll buy it from there, so here I counted with this price.

The table speaks for itself. Although the Q5 and Q6 companies seem to make a lot of profit, i have to tell you that the market prices I used are not that reasonable. As there are just little from them in the eIrish market, their price is much higher here than it is in countries with bigger market. And as the customers will buy the food with the smallest price/wellnes ratio, chances are that you will not be able to sell the food for the indicated price. But in general, we can say that food industry gives you a pretty good profit.


WRM, and its profitability:

Because there are less weapon bonuses than food bonuses in eIreland, WRM companies make less profit than FRM ones did.

Let’s see the weapon manufacturing companies:

Profitability, with WRM bought abroad, for 0,02 cc.

Less bonuses, less profit. As eIrish bonuses favors food industry, weapon industry doesn’t worth the investment. Sure, you can get a little profit with Q6 and Q7 companies, but only with working as a manager. But as the profit is pretty low, these companies don’t worth it to found.


Although HRM is more expensive than the other raw materials, you can’t work as a manager in these companies - so HRM’s production cost is higher.

As eIreland lacks house bonuses, you can get no profit from HRM companies.

Let’s see the house manufacturing ones (with 0.12 cc HRM, bought abroad):

The lack of bonuses can be seen here again. You can get no real profit from the housing industry.


In eIreland, you can get the biggest profit from food industry. But these companies also need a long time to pay off, so if you’re looking for a short-term investment, then companies are not for you.

Anyways, thank you for your time, I hope this article helped you.


That's all folks!

Ireland’s National channel - #eIreland
Irish MoFA Channel - #eire.fa

Ireland is a country with:

80% food bonuses
40% weapon bonuses
1% Work Tax
1% VAT
Why wouldn’t you join us?

Don Croata