[MoD]Orders - Erepublik Day 847/848 - Attack Croatia! HOSPITAL CHANGES LIVE

Day 844, 15:26 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Ministry of Defence
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Hospitals from Day 848 will only recover the wellness lost in actual battles and the new experience tunnel for newly born citizens (start with 100 wellness, fight at level 3, etc). These updates will come live tomorrow (eRepublik day 84😎.

Slovenia is taking back it's land, help our allies:
">Lower Carniola
Ignore all other battles.
For a guide to fighting, watch this.
Move to London!
All UK citizens should be moving to London; which contains the countrys only Q5 hospital. See here for further information.

See here for instructions on joining the eUK military.
Help the eUK Military today!
As well as more soliders, we need more supplies for our soliders. Please donate any gold, currency or guns you can to this organisation. Everything you donate will be used to support the war efforts of the UK and our allies, be it 10g or 1GBP or any random foreign currency that you don't use, it all helps.
Thank you for all donations received so far.
Further Information
Remember to join the eUK forum and IRC
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Ministry of Home Affairs
National Newspaper Association

Tom Morgan
Cheif of the Defence Staff