[MoD]Monthly Military awards - March 2010.

Day 864, 07:40 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Ministry of Defence
Special edition of the MoD news - Montly military awards in the United Kingdom Armed Forces.http://erepcentral.com/navy/img.aspx" />

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Military Awards - March, 2010
Hello all,

On behalf of the Minister of Defence, Chief of the Defence Staff and the assembled members of the Military Honours Committee I hereby announce the following awards for the month of March:

Distinguished Service Order (DSO)
Field Marshal fezoj
General Count Drakula
Admiral Jan Baykara

King's Commendation for Valuable Service (KCVS)
Commodore Huate Allapies
Brigadier Writchie
Captain Steven Mack

Mentioned in Dispatches (MID)
Lieutenant Colonel Trooper_c
Brigadier WelshLad
Commodore Tom Fletcher
Able Rate jimmycricket
Rear Admiral Big-Joe Pryde
Captain biain
Lieutenant Colonel DakotaBlue
Brigadier Jhorlin
Commodore Wolfhorde
Corporal carsten bayer
General Horice G Fossil
Corporal Kravenn
Corporal jamesw
Lieutenant Colonel Apotygma

Well done and a thoroughly deserved congratulations to all those above.

Thanks for your time,

Field Marshal R.R. Napier
President of the Military Honours Committee

P.S. If you're interested in reading more about the awards and decorations of the United Kingdom Armed Forces then please have a look here.

Join the military!

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The UK military is always looking for recruits to join up. New players can join the community of the Royal Navy whilst working for weapons and improving their rank quickly.
Older players with higher strenght can join the Special Forces Support Group, the UKs elite troops who are deployed all over to deal high amounts of damage.
http://tinyurl.com/joinmilitary">Join the Army
Donate to our soliders.
As well as more soliders, we need more supplies for our soliders. Please donate any gold, currency or guns you can to this organisation. Everything you donate will be used to support the war efforts of the UK and our allies, be it 10g or 1GBP or any random foreign currency that you don't use, it all helps.
Thank you for all donations received so far.

Remember to join the Offical UK forum and IRC.

Please read and subscribe to the following Government newspapers:
Ministry of Home Affairs.
Ministry of Finance.
Ministry of Work.
National Newspaper Association.
The Prime Minister.

Tom Morgan
Chief of the Defence Staff