[MoD]Awards - eUK Military; November 09 - February 10

Day 836, 07:28 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Ministry of Defence
The following announcement is from the President of the Military Honours Committee R.R. Napier

"Hello all,

As President of the newly reconstituted Military Honours Committee it gives me great pleasure to be able to announce these latest raft of military awards.

The military honours system has undergone a few mild reforms since its last appearance, namely a proper committee based structure has been implemented with a mix of political, senior military, non-command rank military personnel and a civilian or two. The new system has also seen the addition of a few new awards and the tweaking of old ones, some are now comparatively easier to get, some are now harder. Full details can be found here.

Now that bit of housekeeping is over we can get on to the awards. The awards this month comparatively large when compared to usual due to the awards covering the period from November through to February, this also explains why some people have more than one award. Anyway, on to the awards!

On behalf of the Minister of Defence, Chief of the Defence Staff and the assembled members of the Military Honours Committee I hereby announce the following awards:

Conspicuous Gallantry Cross (CGC)
R.R. Napier

Distinguished Service Order (DSO)
Nice Guy Eddie
Horice P Fossil
Tom Morgan

Military Cross (MC)
Tom Morgan

King's Commendation for Valuable Service (KCVS)
Horice P Fossil

Mentioned in Dispatches (MID)
IndieKid x2
Joachim von Bremen
Count Drakula
George Norfolk
Craig Rossiter

Congratulations to all those above.

Thanks for your time,

General R.R. Napier
President of the Military Honours Committee"

Further information about these awards may be read here.

Congraulations to all recipients.

On a personal note: This is the last day of service for our current Prime Minister, Dishmcds. The entire staff at the Ministry of Defence wishes him all the best for his future and that he may borrow sugar from Whitehall at any time he wishes.
Evacuate to London!
All UK citizens should be moving to London. See here for further information.

See here for instructions on joining the eUK military.
Help the eUK Military today!
As well as more soliders, we need more supplies for our soliders. Please donate any gold, currency or guns you can to this organisation. Everything you donate will be used to support the war efforts of the UK and our allies, be it 10g or 1GBP or any random foreign currency that you don't use, it all helps.
Thank you for all donations received so far.
Further Information
Remember to join the eUK forum and IRC
Please read and subscribe to the following Government newspapers:
Ten Downing Street
Ministry of Home Affairs
National Newspaper Association

Minister of Defence