[Mittekemuis]Manifesto: preview.

Day 1,470, 14:14 Published in United Kingdom Belgium by mittekemuis

Greetings dear citizens of Great Britannia,

Over the past 5 month I have been getting to know this lovely eCountry and its interesting people. I am enjoying it so much that I do not intent to leave in a hurry.

It is only fair to say that I am an immigrant from eBelgium where I have done all I wanted to do. Spend nearly all my time in congress, was 4 times minister of foreign affairs and country President twice. I have dealt with the French invasion when Terra was blocking Serbia. I have dealt with an invasion from you guys on eBelgian soil because Woldy thought it was a good idea...
I hear you thinking “why is this relevant?” It is relevant because I can show you I don’t crumble under pressure. My name may be Mitteke-muis( = mouse). I am not your average little mouse 🙂

For the last two months, I have been very active on many fronts. I got the chance of going back to my first love which is foreign affairs. Together with Thomas765 we have put this department back where it belongs. On the number one spot in cabinet. Next to that I have been active next to the MoDs. Being commander of British training corps, supplying for the armed forces. Getting the MoDs on their toes and contributed to a better army. Meanwhile also being vMoD for Estonia.
Being an active participant in obtaining land grants, qualifies for a healthy dose of good thinking.
My biggest advantage is that I have time, LOTS OF TIME AND NO LIFE. I am on irc from 8am until 11/12pm. People will seldom have to wait for hours to get to me....

A sneak preview on vision for next month:

- keeping both ministries foreign affairs and MoD on the right track. Both have done well needed changes but still need a good deal of fine tuning.
- Encourage more media coverage from all departments including from the CP.
- Home affairs can do more about new citizens support.
- Keeping us directed on ONE( hopefully joining) and make sure we have our bonuses.

Don’t want to make this introduction too long. instead I will release my domestic, economic, military and foreign affairs manifestos over the coming days. In the mean time, I will be accepting applications for the following positions. You will notice I have only one application for foreign affairs, that is because either Thomas765 or me(depends on who will win really)will take a position in that department.

Ministry of Defence: 3 applicants
Ministry of Foreign affairs : 1 applicant
Ministry of Home affairs: 2 applicants
Ministry of Legislative affairs: 1 applicant
Ministry of Finance: 2 applicants

Candidate for Prime Minister