[Mittekemuis] Foreign Policy manifesto

Day 1,472, 02:30 Published in United Kingdom Belgium by mittekemuis

Greetings to all!

With this next article I will give you my view on a very important ministry. It is my belief that next to the Prime Minister the Foreign affairs department hold the most responsibility.

When I decided to come to eUnited Kingdom I asked someone about this department. The answer I got really surprised me. He said to me it depended on the minsters itself how this department was run but that the only thing they mainly do was renewing MPPs and once in awhile talk with an ally. While coming from a small neutral country which needed an active foreign affairs policy I was presuming that this department was THE CENTRE in a bigger and much stronger country as the eUnited Kingdom. Later I learned it was once the pride of Britain and I wanted to become a part of it and restore it back to his former glory. Two months ago I stepped in when Inwegen quit and ever since then Thomas765 and me have been working towards improving...

Working of the department

The envoy system has been implemented and has been proven a very good way to work. Envoys get tasks which they complete in a certain period of time and than get paid for a job well done.
Like all new systems it still has some flaws in it.
So this month I would like to see the following happen:

* A standard message to all the eCountries with congratulations for the newly elected CP/PM and at the same time our cabinet and irc channels where people can reach the department and an invite to a meeting where we invite all Mofa in #eukfa just to socialise.
* Creating a template for the weekly articles
* See more interviews appear not only done by the minsters themselves but also as envoy tasks
* When gathering news from other countries adding a summary of what is in them.


We now have 22 MPP of which 21 are relatively permanent. The last month there has been a choice made MPPing Malaysia and South Korea. Both countries looking to be proONE and in a very different timezone to us. Although they are not very big I am a defender of MPPing countries in different timezones for the simple reason that we can help out each other when the other is asleep.
On this point we need the MoFa department and MoD department talking more with these countries. When there is a better communication we can be more efficient in helping each other.

Our last addition to the MPP list is eBelgium. We did this as a gesture toward our neighbours because they are under attack from the French. I will offer them renewal for when this MPP ends and leave it up to them to decide if they want it.

eUK from proONE to ONE.

Ever since April when we left TERRA we have been growing closer to ONE. For a short period of time we were really neutral but soon we decided that proONE was UKs best option. At this point in time we have been proven to be a good partner as proONE nation. In my opinion it is time to go for ONE membership this month.

Wars for the upcoming month.

As I stated we are a proONE nation and maybe soon a ONE member. We will keep fighting for our alliances as well as keeping the Irish battle open.

* I would like to see the Mofa department to be the liaison to ONE and ProONE countries. Together with the MoD department they will exchange daily and preferable more times a day what the course of action will be.
* The reasoning for the endless fight with the Irish is that we can use it as a damage drain for TEDEN and in the meantime we get some fruit bonus when ever we manage to hold on to Louth. Last but not least this way we have always an NE up and that gives us that little extra but most important is, that it provides our new soldiers/citizens with the chance of completing the NE missions.

Thank you for reading this first part of my manifesto. Tomorrow I will bring you my view on the MoD. I know many of you frown upon the the fact I have 3 applications up in this department. Stay tuned and you will find out why I have chosen that path.
