[Mittekemuis for CP]Question hour

Day 1,626, 01:18 Published in Belgium Belgium by mittekemuis

Before I give you the chance to fire question I will give you a summary of what I am proposing.

* To continue the present citizens programs even expand them if we have the money for it.
* I like to see a newbies squad assembeled
* More tutorials
* charity drives

Next to ofcourse...

* Fun and games

and very important

* an immigration committee with full power with one member of the 3 being the Minister of Home Affairs and two elected congress members.

* Good bookkeeping growing money and transparency through regular reports.

* I will stand by the decision of the people in eBelgium. If they chose to be neutral I will make sure there will be TEDEN MPPs. If they chose to be proONE I will propose to join EPIC.
* I will do everything in my power to organise a TW and avoid a real war.
* Overseeing Military reforms and put MoD in command of the entire army except BCA

* Over all more visibility of the department in the Press.
* Make sure the world knows we are on the map by for example sending all CP a message with our cabinet and congratulations.
* Try again(I know people have tried before) to implement an envoy system on a small scale.
* Talking with the nations we have and would like to have MPPs with.

So now it is up to you folks. It is in your right to ask me questions and I will try and answer them. Post your questions beneath this article and I will reply as fast as I can. If you don’t wish to do it in public you can always send me an ingame pm.

It is possible you have missed previous articles so I will line them up for you to go and check it out:

Foreign & Military policy
Domestic Policy

I will also strongly advice you to apply for a place in cabinet:
Send an ingame or forum request for either the post of:
MoF - MoFa - MoD - MoHa