[Mittekemuis]Domestic policy

Day 1,474, 08:42 Published in United Kingdom Belgium by mittekemuis

Hello dear citizens,

This is the third and final part of my program that I would like to see getting realised when I am elected on December the 5th. The main thing that always returns when I think about domestic policy is that it is played too much on the forum and far too little in-game where, like it or not, are a lot of our players. This is a reoccurring theme throughout my manifestos. I really want more visibility in-game from all departments. Mind you the work that has been done and will be done on the forum is of an excellent quality. The people who are responsible of this excellent work will be given a mandate again and they will get new blood to assist and reinforce them.

I want to quote our next MoHa:

“The main trend I'm trying to set here, is that the Ministry of Home Affairs should be expanding its role. Typically it has been all about messaging new players, running a couple of forum games and writing a guide or two. I would like it expand to take an additional, more vital and substantial role in supplying new players with more food than they can eat and in keeping up the communication with new players on an individual basis, not just a few carpet bombings of messages now and again.
Rather than just giving the MoHA a small budget to have a little fun with forum awards and a few games, I'd like to see it investing substantially in the growth of our younger generation of players.”

Ministry of home affairs

New citizen program

* Welcome Messages

The most important thing for the Ministry to do in regards to recruiting is to contact new players with a message containing links to guides, mentoring and the forum. In the previous month the department expanded the welcome messaging by attaching a package of 50 Q5 food to any player that replied to the message. This resulted in an interaction between the new players and the minister. I would like to see that this keeps running and even expanding with:

* Mentoring

Mentors are players who have volunteered to guide and assist new players, they answer any of the new citizen’s questions and offer help and advice in everything, from building a company base to join a political party and running for congress.
Getting mentors for new players, I'd like to see the minster start up this program again. I'd like the mentor themselves to be contacting active new players to offer their services, it’s a bit more convincing than a link to a forum topic or someone telling them to contact a mentor. People react better when there is genuine interaction. Also when the mentor gets his protege on to forum and IRC there should be a reward. What if we rewarded any players who have made it onto forums & IRC and then remained active for 2 weeks or more with a free WRM (Iron/Oil/Saltpeter) company?

To reward the Mentors I would like the minster to post an ingame article with their merits an accomplishments and if the budget allows it even a payment like we do in MoFa with the envoy system.

How would we monitor their progress I hear you thinking. The minister would be creating a google document that has statistics on all the new players we contact - XP level / Strength / Rank / Company Worth.

It's a mentoring program could be like forum awards but much improved.

* “Food Program” next to “call for arms program”

I want to see the government sponsoring a food program alongside the “calls for arms” program which benefits the older players more. With a combination of major drive and a MoF investment, we could run this for the whole month.

visibility and activity

* The National Newspaper Association: every week the Ministry should publish an informative UK Today.
* The eUK Library: can be updated and provided with new graphics.
The link to the library can be put in the welcoming message to all new players as well as reference for information about several items.
* Games and guides will also be part of the Home affairs department but again I would like to see this not only advertised on the forum but also in-game.


I keep saying it over and over again and it isn’t any different from the other departments: “visibility and activity”

visibility: The goal is to get the Minister of Legislative Affairs to post frequent articles in-game, giving updates to the eUK public about what congress has been up to. I prefer it to be on a weekly basis as well.

An other part of visibility would be advertising and create polls about proposals. That way the citizens are more informed and have the chance to get heard.

activity: We all know not all of our congressman are as active as others. Through forum use and proposal-tracking the minster can keep a track on who is active and not. Before congress elections, the minister will present his report to the Party presidents who can put in congress candidates accordingly.


The Ministry works very well at the moment and I wouldn’t like to make any major changes. They successfully run many good schemes such as Free Town Hall Upgrades and the grants for the land purchased for companies.

Thank you for reading and for those who didn't see the previous manifestos on foreign and defence policy click and enjoy the read.

Stay tuned for a question based article where you get to ask me anything related to working as Prime minister and visions on cabinet or various departments.

Candidate for Prime Minister