[Mittekemuis]Defence policy

Day 1,472, 08:28 Published in United Kingdom Belgium by mittekemuis

Hello again,

Next on the agenda is the Ministry of Defence. Without this department eUnited Kingdom wouldn’t be on the map let alone do so well as we do now. In the past two months I have been working as a commander in this department. I am commander of the British Training Corps and have been doing IRC supplies for army and special forces. Next to that, I have been working very closely with the MoDs to make the reforms happening. All in all a challenging two months. Because I was involved in this so closely I have a very strong view on how things can still improve. That is what I will be doing in this next piece of my manifesto.


The most important thing in warfare is communication. If your soldiers don’t get proper information they will fail at warfare. This is an issue I am going to see to that it really gets better than it is now. I know that most information can be found on our forum but forum announcements alone are not enough. I know it is tedious but if you want to inform people, PMs are still the way to go.
→ I will be demanding an information campaign from the MoDs very early in this term.

The armed forces are a national institution and get funding from the government. For that reason I think it is only fair that we should be able to see what is done with the money they receive. Mind you I do not want a detailed bookkeeping. What I do want is an overview on how many tanks we spend on a weekly base and also how much food.
→ I want the suppliers keeping scores on what they give out and to whom. It has been happening to an extend well enough for a global view but I would like it more detailed. This information will provide the MoDs a better view on how the army is functioning.
→ I will ask the MoD to make a weekly report based on this data and hope to get a complete overview by the end of the term to see what needs to be changed if needed.

An other thing that I really want to see happening this month is a mentoring program within the MoD structure for commanders. Our current commanders are doing a great job and could become even more involved in running the MoD department in the future. Therefor we need to train people in warfare tactics.
For that I will also ask one of the MoDs to make a tutorial. This mentoring program will be open for all independent MU commanders if they want to join.

Command structure and working with independent MUs

eUK has a good structured army. Recent changes are very good in my opinion. Next to the national army there are a lot of people in independent MUs. In order to be efficient as a country we need to establish good communications between them. I would like to see a weekly meeting with all the commanders from every military unit in the eUK. I will also suggest that those commanders get “op” in our strike-channel.

Wars and daily orders

Two words that pop in to my head when I see this; STRIKE-CHANNEL and MOD NEWSPAPER.

The daily orders newspaper is working smoothly. Nearly every day at day-change there has been a daily order up in our media. This will be the same as previous months. I would however would like to see the newspaper publish more then only Battle orders. I would like to see a weekly update from the fights that have been done, who we helped and who we need to thank that helped us. Also the MoD newspaper can be used to publish battle tutorials and scheduled meetings on strike channel.

Strike-channel needs a lot of work. I would like to see all the soldiers from army, btc, army reserves, special forces and party MUs in this channel when ever they are online and on IRC. This channel should be manned by a MoD at all times. Here we can give live direction when and how to fight. I know with the daily orders set in the MUs, soldiers will want to do them first to get their reward but when they are no longer fighting for the MU orders they can easily be directed to not fight in battles that are already won or when the bar is over 60%. Strike-channel will also be used to direct foreign soldiers if we attrac them to fight for us.

Working with other nations

For this topic I will be referring to the MoFa manifesto where I wrote that I want both MoD and MoFa talking on a daily base with the other ONE and proONE nations. As long as we are not a core member of ONE we have to rely on this to coordinate orders in the alliance.
Iain Keers has created a channel on IRC for that purpose and I want my MoD and MoFa to be there and use it.
Another thing I’d like to suggest is an exchange in MU applicants on a short time base. Say for example you know you have a big RW coming up and you really need to win it. To get more people in to fight from other allied countries I would invite those soldier in an eUK MU and set orders. That way they get to fight also for the reward and maybe get more people in to actually fight for us.

Thank you for reading and stay tuned for more about my home affairs policy.
For those who missed previous releases:
Foreign policy

Candidate for Prime Minister