[KHMC] Vote ID4PP!

Day 2,763, 16:37 Published in Australia Canada by Ilene Dover

Attention citizens and soldiers of eAustralia, and especially the members of the KHMC!

It seems as though a few members think they can do the party president job better than I have for the past two months. I refer, of course, to Aussie Vegeta and El Sable de Platino. In other words, I've got some competition for Party President this month and I'm going to remind you why I'm more awesome than both of those two.

So, a recap on recent history. I took the de-facto Party President position on after Callumh123 had let the party slide. We were outside the top 5 parties with a senate election looming. I turned the membership numbers around, and we squeezed in (by 1 member!) for the election.

Our vote was not particularly impressive, but all our nominations took their seats. The following week was the Country President election. At the last minute, Henry the 8th was persuaded to run. And run he did! We secured the endorsement of every other Top 5 party, and he was elected unopposed. All that done, without even holding a formal position in the party!

The next senate election, we polled second (behind VIP and their 50+ members). More votes than the ADP managed to scrounge together, despite having 10 less members. We, meaning all of you, put up a grand show with 10 nominations for the senate! And, of course, Henry won Country President election again, in a close contest this time.

These two clowns think they can do better than that? I wish them all the best...

Enough about history. Why the hell should anyone vote for me tomorrow? I've waffled long enough, so will keep this part short...

- I will keep running election day giveaways. There's another one tomorrow. If you're a KHMC member, drop by our public board for 10 Q7 weapons and access to the hidden boards.

- Our membership numbers have reached a plateau lately. The best remedy is new members - I will message, help, bribe and threaten new players to get our numbers past the psychological threshold of 30. After that, we're going to replace the ADP as the largest of the old parties!

- An open door policy on everything. If you want to know the reasons behind a decision, just ask. If you want to run for Senate, put your name in the mix and PM me or write an article about how awesome you are. If you want CP endorsement, you might have to take Henry out the back for a little chat first - but all options considered. Just ask.