[JDS] National Census

Day 2,180, 19:26 Published in Australia Australia by Joey Development Scheme

Hello people of our good country.

here is the JDS/DoC national census, please send your replies to me, Sirjames244

please answer the following questions in a mail to myself.

stage 1 (yes/no)

1. Do you know how the company and training ground works?

2. Do you buy gold?

3. Are you part of a Military Unit?

4. Are you part of a party?

5. Do you know how wars work?

6. Are you familiar with Cabinet positions?

7. Have you looked at how Cabinet works?

8. Have you been on the eAus IRC channel?

9. Have you looked at the Eaus forums?

10. Could you identify of president if asked?

set 2 (written answer)

1. decipher this sentence:

our CP today announced that a large payment of gold to all MU's that fight in our RW, to stop PTO's occurring from eIndo. TWO has been known to donate q7 weapons in such environments.

2. What is the shield defense system?

3. What does MoC stand for?

4. What alliance group does eAustralia currently belong to?

5. What does the term Impeach mean?

6. What is Australia's international rank?

7. How much gold do you get for medals?

8. What is the senates role for this country?

9. How does a Resistance war begin?

10. how are military unit captains appointed?

Stage 3 (personal opinion questions)

1. How do you think the game admins do in running the game?

2. Do you like our current government?

3. Do you like the job you have?

4. Are you receiving a fair income and amount of supplies?

5. What do you think the best way to deal with our enemy eIndo would be?

6. Are you enjoying this game?

7. what do you think about the eAustralian forums, and the admin that run them?

8. What do you think about IRC, does it help you?

9. Are there enough battles to fight?

10. Have you any suggestions you would like to bring up the the government? please list them below.

The you go people, please reply soon, on Friday next week, the results in percentages will be shown.
