[Jamesw/Kevy] Part One: The role of the Prime Minister

Day 883, 21:08 Published in United Kingdom France by Hell The Great

First and foremost, I want to address some criticisms of my candidate for Deputy Prime Minister. So far, the only notable cries I can see, are of political motives. Whilst these have no substance in them whatsoever (/me points to my last candidate), I think it really does strengthen the position which Kevy has: if his only perceived weakness, is that he is a member of The Unity Party, then I think its sending a clear message: no-one is disagreeing he is not fit, or ready for the job.

Accusations are always aroun😛 and both sides will make them. All I will say to end the matter, is that I'd hope by now we'd got past "omg ur patisan" part of our lives: Kevy is my candidate because he is a great guy, who I feel is ready to take a step up, and am giving him a chance: much in the same way I chose GGRyan when my term began 6 weeks ago: party membership is a tiny part of each individuals experience, and input, into this game: and thus is not really "up there" in my decisions.

Also, Cabinet apps are open

I will be taking applications for:
- Ministry of Technology
- Ministry of Finance
- Ministry of Legislative Affairs
- Ministry of Home Affairs
- Ministry of Foreign Affairs
- Ministry of Communications
- Ministry of Trade

Anywho, I'd like to move past this non-issue, and instead introduce you to the first of my three planned articles in the run up to my bid for re-election as Prime Minister. As per usual, I've decided to go all "different", and choose a different format for my bid. Instead of the traditional "here is what I would like domestically", "here is me saying something economical", "here is my saying I love our military and phoenix" I will instead be sharing the writing duties with my running partner: Kevy Kev Kev Kevin Kevy Kev Shabadabadodo. I am writing this first article in which I will outline the role I will play should I be elected, as well as my own personal agenda during the coming month. The aforementioned Kevy, will then write an article about his role within my government, and the agenda he will bring to the table. We will then finish the trilogy by co-writing an article outlining what we will work together on, and finalizing our electoral bid.

Strawberries, anyone?

My role within the next month would centre on the places I think I excel in, or at least, can translate into chav in my mind and make sense of: Military, Foreign and Economic Affairs. I will be using the month to bring forward a few of the changes I haven't had the gall, or time, to do during my tenure so far, and hopefully draw a line under my original plans for the UK. Instead of telling you what I would like to change, let me show you what I will do.

~ A more communicative, and useful set of Economic based ministries

First and foremost, I want to bring back the Small Business Association, as a tool for increasing our exports of (omnomnom) grain, and for that matter, any other products. I cannot state enough how important exports are to economics in eRepublik: they strengthen our currency and ensure we have steady supplies of GOLD fluctuating into our economy: which is one of the most important things, economically, in eRepublik.
I would therefore like the SBA to be restated, under the remit of the Ministry of Finance. It will be tasked with creating and maintaining a "how to company" introduction into eRepublik, and liaising with our Ministry of Communications, and Ministry of Home Affairs, to ensure that once such guides exist, people know about them.
I would also ask the SBA to setup a "preferred GBP" system, where exporting companies can get discounted GBP to pay for their wages, in exchange for either foreign currency or GOLD. Preferential rates will be given for GOLD exchanges, and foreign currencies would be exchanged on a case by case basis. I think that by offering an incentive to export, we can try to mitigate the cost of export licenses, without necessarily investing 20 GOLD into the admins drain pockets. Initially, I would like to see GBP offered at roughly 0.015 GOLD per unit, with a view to enticing company owners into exporting. This can then be amended at the Minister of Finance's discretion.

I think another more blatant area for the Ministry of Finance to expand into, would be more public exposure in game: whilst the ministry is highly efficient in its current form: it is very rare that this efficiency or productivity is shown to the outside world, nor those outside of cabinet. More communication combined with a more citizen-orientated approach should help our country breed the next generation of economic minds: Iain Keers, Thatcher, C B Fry, myself, and the various others who are currently still active will not be around forever: its time to groom the future.

I would like to see our current Ministry of Trade setup continue: we've had a lot of interesting and useful reads this month: however, communication here really can improve leaps and bounds. Public, in game, publishings of reports should really help to increase the economic understanding of our citizens, as well as showing the already economically gifted people that their trade is pretty important. It should also increase debate within the community, and when economics is concerne😛 debate can always be useful. One tweak I would suggest, is focusing purely on helping people earn, use or enjoy their money to a much more fruitful, or useful end.

I'd also like to reclassify the Ministry of Work: as in its current form, its pretty small. I'd task the new look ministry with continuing its current role, running various companies on behalf of the military, as well as running companies to provide food for gifting, weapons for civguns, MTs to save our Grorious Queen, and in conjunction with the SBA, look at utilizing any export opportunities we have.

Isn't Artela dashing?

~ Another military reform

As some, most, or even all of you, have notice😛 we have no longer got the tile based system of warfare. We instead have a horizontal wall, in the form of initiative. Durability is also skewed, and wellness per fight is restored to 10, as opposed to all of it. This has yet again completely changed the way in which military efficiency is achieved. I have every confidence in our military personelle to sort this "in house", but should I be re-elected, I will devote sizeable amounts of my time towards helping Artela and her staff ensure true efficiency is achieved. Not only will my past military experience (and coups) come in handy for this, but I have my chav translator at the ready: I cannot fail, right?

I'd also like to see some more public co-ordination, for example, a relaunch of freeguns, and possibly looking into public strikes occuring in conjunction with our own military: not everyone is a member, but I believe that infrequent players should not be punished for not choosing to sign up to our military, and further, their damage should not be neglected or ignored. A much more informative orders article, as well as some IRC or in game co-ordination could really help improve our non-military damage, and in domestic or MPP wars: this is the damage we often need.

Other than that, I'm pretty happy to support our military in whatever way necessary: whether that is me delving inside of them and helping out, or giving them some time to think independently. A constructive, and well used line of communication will always exist, and I intend to make full use of it.

In summary, I hope this article isn't too policy heavy: the real grit of my campaign will be handled in the domestic part, and this will be released by Kevy Kev Kev Shadadodadumbumdado Junior the Fourth, on the second of october. Thanks for reading, and vote jamesw/kevy shabadooda!