[IMPORTANT] Ambulanta GPS [Last call]

Day 819, 08:37 Published in Romania Nigeria by Iosy DeadMan

Na' Seara doamnelor, domnisoarelor si domnilor.

Ultima strigare.

Dupa cum spuneam aici aici , am hotarat sa iau atitudine, si sa fac ceva care sa conteze pentru prab... propasirea neamului eRomanesc.

Programul se va numi "Ambulanta GPS" si se va ocupa cu resuscitarea eTinerilor (oferire a 1-10 wellness).

Conditiile care trebuie indeplinite pentru a beneficia de asistenta sunt urmatoarele:

- Lvl cuprins intre 1 si 5, inclusiv (la lvl 6 ai 5 Gold, deci poti sa-ti cumperi singur gifturile)
- Wellness sub 40.

- In functie de situatie, pot exista si exceptii ( daca sunt fonduri, iar cel in cauza, chiar daca are peste lvl 6, nu are bani pentru resuscitare)

Acum sa va vorbesc despre modalitatea de functionare. Incepand cu ziua 820, va aparea zilnic , la orele 19 trecute fix (GMT +2) sau ora 9:00 eRep time, un articol de informare a populatiei. Cei care doresc sa beneficieze de ajutor trebuie doar sa dea un PM(private mesage) subsemnatului, prin care sa ceara wellness. Mesajele pot fi trimise la orice ora din zi sau din noapte, iar wellness-ul va fi primit intre orele 19 si 24, insotit de un scurt mesaj educativ, pentru a evita scaderea wellnessului pe viitor.

In fiecare zi de luni, va aparea un articol continand bilantul pe saptamana anterioara, toate donatiile primite si toate cheltuielile efectuate pentru achizitionarea gifturilor.

In concluzie: Astept donatiile celor care doresc sa ajute la reusita acestui program ( in orice moneta sau giftui donate, nu oferite). De asemenea ii rog sa ma contacteze pe cei care vand gifturi sub pretul pietei.

Alaturi de mine, pentru reusita acestui program, o sa fie si colegul Haqbard, care o sa aibe functia de manager si se va ocupa de aducerea donatiilor mai mari.

For those which doesn't speak romanian:

I have decided to take action and do something to help our babies.

The program will be called "Ambulanta GPS" and will deal with resuscitation of young players (offering wellness 1 to 10).

Conditions to be met to qualify for assistance are:

- Lvl between 1 and 5, including (at lvl 6 you get 5 Gold, so you can buy gifts)
- Wellness under 40.

- Depending on the situation, there may be exceptions (if there are funding and the person concerned has no money for resuscitation, even if he has over lvl 6)

Now let me talk about the method of operation. Starting with day 820, will appear daily at 19 hours (GMT +2) or 9:00 eRep time, an article to inform the population about the program. Those which qualifies to be helped with a couple gifts has just to send a PM (private mesage) to me, requiring wellness. Messages can be sent at any time, day or night, and the gifts will be received between 9h and 14h eRep time, with a brief educational message, to avoid decrease of wellness in the future.

Every Monday, will appear an article containing a balance sheet from last week, all donations received and all expenditure incurred for the purchase of gifts.

In conclusion: I look for donations from those who wish to help this program to succed (in any Monetary or gifts donated, not offered). Also I ask those who sell gifts below the market price to contact me.

Thank you.

I know, I suck at english! 😃