[IMPERIO] A message to Durruti, Jesser and other LCI members!!!

Day 1,353, 07:13 Published in Serbia Chile by EduRaptor

Akasuna Itachi || - My wiki (new, detailed) || - divine5990@live.com | | | ||

Dear LCI

For start let's make 1 thing clear, I'm not writing this article to make any threats to Peruvian community, La Casta de los Intocables members or anyone on that matter. This is just an urge to avoid further troubles, and a try to find a best solution on the current issue. As we could all see, LCI led country of Peru recently put on voting law for declaring Chile as Natural Enemy. As a person unconnected with actions in Chile, I would probably support this action, as it's aim is a straight forward member of Terra, that completely participates in actions aimed against goals and interests of ONE alliance.

But as a person who spent lot of time, now almost 21 months involved with the Chilean community, I got different opinion. Chile is a small and pretty inactive country, without active military units, and with their active members focused on personal advance. Chile didn't participate in many direct wars, and haven't truly experienced the game mechanics, partly because of their geographic position, partly due to its low population. Some time ago, Chile was a pro - Phoenix country, and its path changed around 10 months ago, when new and inexperienced player took charge of their foreign affairs. From that point, he led Chile towards Bulgaria, a country well known for its backstabbing history, and proclaimed their relation as "brotherhood". Although Bulgaria didn't actually help in a meaningful way in any of Chilean wars, the community felt a connection with the only country whose 3-4 players from time to time hailed their articles. Chilean community didn't face consequences for choosing a traitor country for it's friends, because they weren't involved in direct wars. Until now. I personally can't say I have many friends there, due to work of the mentioned player, who changed the truth about his actions, and portrayed his work as the correct one. But anyway, I feel myself as eChilean, more than eSerbian. In my unit, IMPERIO, we gethered people who support the ideas of a better Chile, bigger than its original territories, and bigger than being a puppet of Terra alliance.

No matter how much we disagree with current chilean politics, we won't allow Peruvian aggression on Chilean original regions. We are trying to turn a new page in eChile, to let people know the real truth, and give them a chance for a better future. This action will endanger our goals, so we will have to fight it. My unit, IMPERIO, although it's low number of soldiers, can do more than 30 million influence per day by itself. It might not be enough to stop the power of LCI, but im determined to stop this attack, so i will use all my connections I made in past 2 years, and ask all my friends to help me protect Chile. And I made considerable number of friends. They are by a large majority citizens of Serbia and ONE countries. Although official Serbia or any ONE country won't support this, the damage that they can make will be measured in dozens of millions of influence.

As a pro - ONE country, protected by official ONE country of Spain, I think that the interest of Peru isn't to shake the relations in the Alliance, cause there will surely be problems when you see members of the alliance fighting against Peru. It won't be caused by any of the countries, but me, and alone me. So there will be no one to blame. It's just helping a friend. I strongly urge you to divert your attack to someone else, like Brazil, so the damage we can do won't be wasted on each other. It's the best thing we can do now. So please, Jesser, Durruti, Oscarmanu and others. Think again about this plan and this action. I really but really honestly don't want to fight against you guys. If the war can't be avoided, I wish you good and fair fight, and let the best one win. My message is, try to avoid this war. But if you want it, I will give my best for you to be assimilated. Involuntarily.

- If anyone wants to join us, meet great friends and learn about a amazing culture, pm me. -
Por la razón, o la fuerza!!
Commandante de milicia IMPERIO
Akasuna Itachi