[Бразилия] Hello Phoenix Brothers!

Day 1,071, 00:50 Published in Bulgaria Bulgaria by Gias Gouliev

В качеството си на посланик в еБразилия, препечатвам тази публикация на Министерството на отбраната им. Бразилия бе нападната от Испания, в момента битката за региона Северна Бразилия е на кантар. Извинявам се, че не я превеждам, нямам физическото време в момента, пък и риториката е ясна...

In the last few weeks, we’ve been punched constantly by Eden and their MasterCards.

Today, They tried to give us a last hit. Our enemies are trying to take North Of Brazil.

In the last year, with the babybooms in eBrazil, we made one of the biggests and strongests regions of New World.

With the Rising Version, a big deathboom came and now, with the new rules, the Eden is stronger then never, and we MUST STOP THEM!

The Phoenix is the BIGGEST ALLIANCE IN THE NEW WORLD and we know that, without the new rules THEY CAN’T DEFEAT US!

The last Phoenix High Iron Regions must be protected! The power of Eden is the Master Card, but we CAN WIN! WE HAVE BROTHERS, AND WE DON’T LET OUR BROTHERS ALONE! NEVER!


Together, we are strong! WE MUST SHOW THEM! For the power of Phoenix, for the honor of our soldiers and for the strenght of our arms! WE CAN, WE WILL, WE MUST!

This weekend, we had a great babyboom, and our babies are excited as hell to join us in battlefield. If you can't fight for us, for any reason, we're asking for your help to give our babies foods and weapons.
If you can help us, send money (of any country) to this org. We thank everyone of you, guys.


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