[Hello New Jersey]

Day 393, 09:31 Published in USA USA by Ian John Locke IV

Hello New Jersey residents, for those of you who do not know me, or have not received PMs from me already, my name is Ian John Locke IV (IJLIV) and I will be running for Congress on December 25, 2008.

[AAP PP and Activity]
I am a very active and influential member of the America's Advancement Party as well as an active contributor in the USA's IRC. I recently won the Party Presidency but felt compelled to give our previous PP a chance since he had not remembered to register and a vote on our forums showed that he would have won against Isac Newton and myself.

--Party Positions: PR
Within the AAP I hold the positions of Co-Director of Public Relations and Director of Party Welfare. As the former I write many newspaper articles and spend a lot of time on our forums and the IRC. Because of my widespread accessibility I will never be unavailable and I will follow the lead of a fellow party member, denversbest02 who posts the legislation that has come before him, how he voted, why he voted that way and whether or not the bill was accepted, rejected or is still pending.

--Party Positions(: Welfare) & Previous NJ Record
As Director of Party Welfare, I have experience handling investments of the party's capital and reaping the profit to benefit our party members' wellness. In the last mayoral election before V1, Chimichonga Barbosa won (Trenton) New Jersey and I became his Lieutenant Mayor. We set up a NJ welfare system and when V1 came along, we moved all of Trenton's treasury to an organization, which I still manage. We decided to use a portion of those funds to start a Raw Materials company in NJ for young New Jerseyans could work for. Admittedly, we don't have any NJ residents working there now, but we're making a profit for NJ residents benefit.

[My Platform]
1. I have a great deal of experience and am surrounded by even more experienced players:
I have 130+ friends on eRep. Most of them you can see are well-known and highly knowledgeable players. I have many connections inside and outside of my party.

2. I spend way too much time on eRep and many people can attest to this.

3. I know a good deal about the economy. I discuss this topic often with members of our president's economic council, including denversbest02. I also, as I've mentioned, own a Raw Materials business, and invest my own party's money in diversified companies, all of which investments have garnered profits for the AAP.

4. I know New Jersey. I have been a life-long resident (both RL and eRep) and I've only left once to go to Florida to fight for this great nation using a Q5 hospital.

I do not know our current Congressman Paulanus very well, but I hope to get to know him over the next 7 or so days during this election.

Please, feel free to get in touch with my with ANY questions.

Ian John Locke IV