[GGP] Speech from the newly elected Party President

Day 1,854, 03:35 Published in Australia Australia by Mr Crumpets

Members of the GGP,

First of all THANK YOU!

Thank you for the landslide victory in bringing back to the leadership position of the party I originally founded in November 2009.

The party has been through a lot since it's foundation, including a name change (eRepublik Alliance) and even closing for a period during the Indonesian PTO of eAustralia.

Today we begin the very long journey back to be an active part of the eAustralia political scene.

That means we need address a few things...

GGP Political Council

There currently seems to be a bug with allowing me to select some positions for Party Members in eRepublik. I've sent a ticket to admin and hope to hear back from them shortly.

Essentially the following roles I'd like to hand out...

Vice President - Mr. Crocodile (who was VP late last term)
Secretary General (Advisor) - Detroit34
Councillor (Newbie Helper) - Miss Wolf

I hope to give more roles to other players to help, but this will happen after we get our forums active again. I'll be sending a ticket shortly to forum admins to gain access and control of the GGP rooms.

Congress Elections

If the Green and Gold Party are in the top five at congress election time, I will arranging the order of candidates by active political platform.

That is, if your a member of the party and have a newspaper article stating your political position, you'll be placed above those who have not made an article.

So I encourage ALL members who are considering running for congress to start writing articles now. If you are a NEW player and haven't got a newspaper yet, please email me to receive funding for a newspaper.

I'll be encouraging any elected GGP senator (congressman) to vote as a block on important issues, especially the Chile treaty which I'll outline below.

Country President Elections

At this stage, we will NOT be fielding a candidate for the Country President elections.

I believe the first priorities of the party should be:
1. Be active again in the press and on the forums.
2. Gain seats in congress and be active there.

Only under one of two situations will we field someone:
1. A very experienced eAustralian joins our party and has wide community support (though we certainly don't see that happening in the near future).
2. If there is a PTO effort under way and we are asked to field a blocker.

So in all reality, we will support another party's candidate.

I will ask forum admins to set up a room similar to the APP where all eAustralians can view and take part. There, same as APP, we will hold primaries and invite potential candidates to debate and argue for our endorsement.

The Chile Treaty

I see a very strong irony in myself becoming Party President at this time. After all, I split from the TBP and formed the GGP in November 2009 over a treaty issue! (The Indonesian NAP)

I've always been very wary of treaties and whether eAustralia is being screwed.

In this situation, the Green and Gold Party CANNOT support the Chile treaty. There are too many loopholes. No penalties for breaking the treaty. It's, as Yothu Yindi sang, just like writing in the sand.

Chile could be under obligation to return our land, but not defend it. Meaning Indonesia (or even NZ) could take our land. Exactly the same situation as if we were to RW our way out.

At least of we RW our way out, there's some pride in what we are doing, while doing some damage to the bank balance of Chile.

Any which way we are stuffed because of who is around us, but it's better to do it fighting, the having to beg some oppressor.

If the GGP wins seats in the congress, we will reach out to any party that is of the same opinion on the Chile treaty and vote with them.

If we are not in the top 5 at election time, we will ask GGP members to vote for any party that is anti-Treaty.

Before I sign off, a bonus round of history.

From way back on Day 639 of eRepublik, then Prime Minister Ranger Bob joined me for a chat on the old eAustralia News Podcast.

It's on youtube, so click the link and enjoy!

Thanks again for your support.

Mr Crumpets
GGP Founder and Party President