[GGP] A Strong Australia Is An Active Australia

Day 1,857, 03:20 Published in Australia Australia by Mr Crumpets

Good evening current and future Green and Gold Party members.

I'm pleased to announce that the GGP forums are once again open for members to discuss all things GGP, Australia and the entire eRepublik world.

Most members should have been granted access already to our forums.

If you haven't yet signed up for the forums, go to community.auserepublik.com scan down to Party Forums and follow the instructions from there.

Remember, a party is only as strong as its members are active... and our nation is only as strong as its citizens are active.

I'm also please to announce that we have opened a Public section of the GGP forums, similar to that of the APP.

There citizens from eAustralia, no matter what party, can ask GGP members about our thoughts on the nation.

Also, this will be the venue of the GGP Australian President Debate.

I invite candidates from all parties seeking our endorsement to post there and state the reasons why the GGP should endorse them.

Debate/Statements will close at the end of January 1st, allowing GGP members a day to vote in our forums on who we will endorse.

In closing, a lot of discussion has been going on about the Chile situation.

Besides the obvious situation of Australia wanting it's land back for Senate/Congress elections, many were hoping for a deal so we could align our MPP stack with the USA for which we are close friends.

Maybe this has been blinding our decision?

I ask, should we look at a different alliance?

It might makes us 'the bad guys' in the eyes of our friends, but maybe it's the shake up we need?

I'm NOT (or the GGP for that matter) saying we should 100% do that, but what I am saying is we need Foreign Affairs to put all alliance options on the table and rationally look at the pros and cons.

Maybe the talk of another alliance accepting us, might force some of the bigger nations in CoT to really put some pressure on Chile?

None of this is perfect, far from it, but I'd like to see us as a nation (and the GGP in it's forums) investigate this more.

What have we got to lose? Chile is already playing us like a fiddle anyway!

Mr Crumpets
Founder and Party President of the GGP