[Gali4PP] Hail Astrid is the Best

Day 2,666, 11:37 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Gali.

Vikings haz layerz.

Welcome back 😉

I'd love to talk to you all about the coming UKRP Congress, but you're clearly all still obsessed with how Lucius Cornelius Wayne has become the dictator, let me clear your minds...

Well, now that your minds have been quickly and sufficiently cleared, I'd like to continue with the article. In this part of my manifesto, I'll be talking about teh grand UKRP mongress.

My thoughts on the mongoose-fest' that is Congress.

This is perhaps one of the most important decisions that a PP will have to make in their term, and as such I won't make it lightly. Every month the UKRP puts up the best Congress list, and whilst last term there was a very small improvement in the quality of the others, our Congress list was still the best by a country mile. Yet still, incredibly, a lot of people voted for the appalling one put up by TUP and the half-decent one from UKPP rather than the UKRP one. During my term, our Congress list will be up to standard, if not better, we need to change the attitudes of others, not our Congress list.

With this in me mind, I am looking to compose a Congress made up of, mainly, experienced and reliable players in politics. This will be in keeping with the usual kind of thing we put up. I will also try and include one (two is the max.) new addition to Congress, that is if they have proven to have an understanding of politics in the eUK.

I will not be setting up a party Congress mail as other parties may have done. This is because it may make players feel like they are obliged to obey they're PP or party when in Congress, and it may kill creativity or independence in our Congress.

All Congress members will be expected to meme.

Moar on teh Party Cabinet

"O wise Gali, why are you asking people to apply to be in the party cabinet?" I hear you say. Well, this is a bit of a venture into the confusing psychology of eRepublicans, let me explain... Normally when people are in a party cabinet they don't feel pressed to perform, or really do much. However, I want my party cabinet peeps to be doing stuff, and by making them apply rather than forcing them into a role gives them a slight obligation to actually do stuff, and makes it feel moar professional.

Each of the party cabinet members will be expected to be active within the community, produce a couple of UKRP articles over the term, and contribute to the party community. I'll also need them to do other stuff, so be ready!

There are only two cabinet positions left, get your applications in now!
(If I agree to put you in, this may change depending on the amount of applicants.)

Make sure you have a computer, that helps.

(Pls don't spot the 9gag watermark)

As you will have noticed, a few members of the party will have said summin like "Gali4PP". This, whilst not trumpeted by hundreds, is an outpouring of support in eUK terms, I think it's time that you joined teh Gali4PP movement, for the bettering of the party, innit.

As always, thanks for reading!

-UKRP Councillor
-Captain of the HMS Abrantes
-now they cant feel lonely