[Evry4POTUS] Continuation of a Story

Day 1,681, 12:52 Published in USA USA by Evry

(For the beginning of the story: http://www.erepublik.com/en/article/the-story-of-a-smiley-2069741/1/20 )

By now, our happy hero has completed nearly every goal and achieved the unachievable. Evry has been Secretary of State, Secretary of Defense, Secretary of the Treasury, Chief of Staff, Chairman of the Economic Council, an XO and a BG in two seperate military branches, Director of the Congressional Budget Office, a Congressman and held multiple party leadership positions. The experience Evry has gathered is immeasurable. Our protagonist plays a substantial role in foreign affairs, keeps a watchful eye in charge of the military, advises numerous presidents on the economy, plays a huge role in keeping cabinets on track, advises congress on a multitude of economic matters, leads military branches from despair to victory, is responsible for the entire country’s money, helps form and pass legislation, and contributes to the political process from the view of the parties.

As our character sits in a favorite comfy chair thinking about the accomplishments and achievements that have been completed, a looming question remains. What should Evry pursue next? After debating all the different options, Evry settles on a new path.

Our happy go lucky, gun toting, economy-minded, politician would like to ask for your vote in the upcoming Presidential Election.

Now that Evry has settled on what to do next, a new question emerges;

Will America help our friend accomplish this momentous task? Will America help our hero leap into the Oval office? Or will it dash the hopes and dreams of a smiley just trying to make everyone’s day happier?

I ask you, America, would you like to kill our enemies with kindness? If so, join us in #KillingWithKindness on Rizon. If you’re interested in participating in leading the country, apply here: http://tinyurl.com/TeamSmile

Stay tuned for articles detailing Evry’s plan for the country if elected and potentially an ending to this captivating story.