[Dr.M] Running for PP of Clan Wolf

Day 2,185, 10:24 Published in Canada Sweden by Master Lobban Le Rub Klitoris

Hello fellow members. I have decided to run for Party President of Clan Wolf once again. I hope to have a less murky election win than my first PP win.

Clan Wolf has many people to choose from for PP this 15th and I would like to state why I think I should be elected again.

If elected PP of Clan Wolf I will:

1. Work hard to include and integrate the new IPC members,who have come over because of the merge, into the existing CW structure.

2. Make Additions/Amendments to the Clan Wolf Charter and to present it in a clearer fashion

3. Ensure that Clan Wolf Congress members are more knowledgeable on the game mechanics of congress and that they are more informed on the issues at hand.

4. Strengthen ties with certain other political parties in eCanada

5. Start a recruitment campaign

6. Make sure that party members are adequately informed about important events, ex. voting suggestions on voting days.

7. Encourage newer members to post in the party feed and to ensure that the party feed remains the most active one in all of eCanada.

8. Keep a positive and fun atmosphere in Clan Wolf because the social aspect of a party is just as important (maybe even more important) than the policies of the party.

9. Send a poll out to are members to see if there is support to change are name to Imperial Wolves, in recognition of the IPC merger.

I believe I will be able to further Clan Wolf over the other candidates. One candidate has run his campaign out of dislike for others and we do not need this, we need someone who will bring a good atmosphere and encourage participation form are new former IPC members. Another candidate has stated that he is in Clan Wolf just to PTO us and change are name arbitrarily. The only real other candidate that is serious about winning brings some good ideas to the table and I hope to have a good election day with him on the 15th.

Vote for the Doc, vote for inclusion, entertainment, and activity!