[CP] Second Update - United we stand!

Day 2,679, 15:28 Published in Ireland South Korea by Don Croata

Hello Ireland,
I’d like to inform you about the progress we’ve been doing in the current term. As you could notice this is second update of the term, now we’re slowly reaching almost all our goals for this term and it’s time to set some new ones too. I’ve been very happy to see congressmens and generally our population getting along with each others this term, there’s been no bad blood, no mud throwing and I’m hoping this could stay like this forever.

There’s been several goals we’ve set for us in this term, among the others the most important ones was:

1. Building an alliance
2. Baby boom
3. Keep our country safe


Ireland, United Kingdom and Canada has recently signed the Avalon agreement, we’re going to publish an extra article dedicated only to this Agreement, but it’s good to include it in this article as well. The Avalon Agreement is made in order to protect each other’s nations from potential external threats. This Agreement contains several rules which all the involved countries are required to respect.

1. If ANY country outside of Avalon proposes an Avalon member as a Natural enemy or initiate any kind of conflict such as Military Coup or Revolution, the other countries are obligated to propose NE on them as soon as possible. An exception will be granted whena nation is already pre-occuiped with a war or when the defender previously attacked without getting approval from an Avalon member country.

2. The members of the Avalon Agreement are to cooperate with one another and coordinate their military forces. Members are to fight in the same battles and help friendly nations to Avalon. An IRC channel is to be established where supplies will be open at all times. Each country is to assist in funding supplies required by its allies

3. Avalon Agreement members are to inform each other of any kind of deals, NAP’s or plans they want to sign with any country outside of Avalon.

4. Avalon Agreement is also open to other countries, in order to be accepted and join the Agreement they must be approved by all member countries.

5. Avalon Agreement is the first official step of cooperation between the participating countries. It is to make the foundations of a potential international alliance comprising of its members.

I can only say that I’m really happy to be on the same side with Canada again, it’s even better because it’s OUR side now, we’re independent and we’re going to take care of our region - the North. Having UK included in Avalon means that our neighbourhood is totally safe now and we can focus more on helping allies or find some alternative ways to have our own wars (Airstrike for example).

For now, Avalon is “just a deal” ; but as you can see it has most of the elements a real alliance have, we’ve decided to organise things, prepare everything and see how it goes before setting up the real alliance.


We still haven’t started “the real thing” considering the baby boom, I know we’ve been talking about it for a long time, without the real moves except for money gathering, but what we really need is all the citizens to be ready for the babies. We’ll need groups which will greet the new players, we’ll need tutorials, we’ll need each individual to help the new player.

Considering the start of campaign it should start as soon as possible, we’re going to publish one or two more tutorials and have a Baby boom meeting before launching promotion. It will probably be much similar as National Summit. I’m planning it somewhere next week, probably in Sunday. Anyway, you’re all going to be informed about it.


So far we’ve placed few suspiciously inactive citizens who are in charge of something, there’s few more we’re closely watching. If you see any suspicious activity please let us know, message TomislavRexCroatorum and he’s going to take the steps needed to keep Ireland safe.

I was kinda against not having a Dictator in the start, but now I’m really happy to preserve democracy in eIreland, I’ve seen what happened in other countries with Dictatorships and there’s no safety which would be more precious for us than our democracy and our freedom. We will do everything in our power to keep Ireland safe and we’re taking many measures to do so. Foreigners maybe don’t need to spend more than 200 000cc to start it, but they will need to spend over 2M if they wanna win that battle.


We have a united firepower in one single MU, huge amount of damage is located in one Military Unit, our only state unit and we need to keep things as they are now. Many were sceptic when CrOmega moved to Irish Army, but according to our damage, our activity and our influence distribution we’ve done a good job. I’d like to encourage other Irish MU’s to do the same and join our only State MU.

From the next week we’re also going to raise supplies for IA members, the current 10 weps per day will become 12 weps per day, we need to make sure our soldiers are well armed and that they have enough at least to do Daily order.

Another reminder - we’re suppling every single day, all the time on our military channel - #IrishArmy ; feel free to join there and fill the form to recieve supplies.


We’re still having a Training War with our friends from USA, have you guys won some medals? Fighting in our RW’s will get you Freedom Fighter and True Patriot medals in the same time, so go ahead, it’s double pleasure to fight in them!

USA has slowed down their attack and they are going to let it start automatically 24 hours after the last one so we can be sure to have 40 congressmens for the congress elections, that’s why it’s highly important to win RW in Dublin which seems to be close battle, so knock yourself out and fight there strongly. Don’t spend too much candies, because you’re going to need them for the real wars soon!

I’d like to inform you that we’re going to take the steps to fulfill our food storage needed for Airstrike, we want to be ready to launch it if it’s needed and that’s what was discussed in Avalon meeeting, Canada and UK are already ready to fly and we can’t let them have all the fun alone, right?

If you feel like having some real fun soon you can donate your food to the country by accessing this link - http://www.erepublik.com/en/country/military/Ireland


All of our Ministers are doing great job so far, I’ve already mentioned few things, Machiavelli (MoFA) has been highly involved in Avalon Agreement, Inept (MoD) has kept you informed about our Prio’s all the time and he’s been taking care of #IrishArmy and National strikes, Tara&Aoife had to wait for our org to get a new password, but now they got it and they are preparing someting special for you! Ian (MoE) has wrote tutorial and he’s still keeping our baby boom money safe and ready to go. I’m trying to make us some money through Ministry of Finances, we’re also preparing few projects for our citizens, anyway, all in all I believe we’re putting good effort to make our country better!

If you haven’t noticed, there’s been article about manufacturing profitability published recently and it’s very useful to read it so you know what’s profitable to invest in!

eIrish Manufacturing Profitability

Ireland’s National channel - #eIreland
Irish MoFA Channel - #eire.fa

Ireland is a country with:

80% food bonuses
40% weapon bonuses
1% Work Tax
1% VAT
Why wouldn’t you join us?

Don Croata