[CP] Received Chaos

Day 1,996, 16:09 Published in Cyprus Cyprus by xam xam

Greetings fellow cypriots,

In the first days of our term I tried to get things straight from the begining. Patience is a virtue, too much patience is stupidity.

I asked from fikibokk to give me our national organisations and he gave me only one of many which was empty. He doesn't answer directly to pms, he puts his friends to talk for him or doesn't answer at all. We had a huge donation last month if you remember and we only signed one mpp. I call forth the appropriate people to answer publicly or else fikibokk is to blame for hundreds of thousands lost cc.

Nevertheless, we shouldn't despair, there is always a way to come through as we always did during difficult times as a proud e-nation and I will find it. Keep your chin up and better days are ahead of us. We always fought hard hard battles and in the end we prevailed.

Best Regards,
Your President
xam xam