[CP] Mid term update

Day 1,433, 04:48 Published in Belgium Belgium by eBelgian Presidency

Hello everyone your government is currently working very hard to do as much work as we can this month.

This is a small Mid term update to tell you what our major ministries are doing, to keep you all as informed as we possibly can.

VP: Has been my slave 😛 nothing new here

Ministry of Finance:

Boklevski is managing the accounting sheet and it seems to goes well.

I managed the change tax program and this also seems to go pretty well as I didn't heard any complaints recently. The selling prices are not dropping much and it does not hurt the salers.

Ministry of Education:

I launched the Belgian Encyclopedia. I already published three main articles and the 4th should come in a couple of days.

I also created a wiki page to show the global structure of the BE: http://wiki.erepublik.com/index.php/Belgian_Encyclopedia

Ministry of Defense:
- Post Daily Civilian Orders
- Made a fighting guide
- Post and keeping MU orders up to date
- Advising MU members to move to BAF and BTA
- did stuff for the possible eNL attack
- Administered MU on egov4you

MoFA update:

- Aranged new MPP's
- Monitored the Dutch wicked plans and informed about additional MPP's in case of an attack
- Reformed the ambassador Program. more news following soon

Minister of Justice:
Working (slowly, but surely) on a rewrite and reworking of how the Supreme Court acts/behaves.

We all our pushing forward for Belgium this month and we will carry on this work until the 5th.
I would like to take this moment to thank you Belgium and to thank all my Cabinet for there hard work.