[Congress Short and Sweet: A Bitter Reminiscence]

Day 479, 13:06 Published in USA USA by Ian John Locke IV
"When a man sits with a pretty girl for an hour, it seems like a minute. But let him sit on a hot stove for a minute-- and it's longer than any hour. That's relativity." --Albert Einstein

Similarly when a man spends too much time in the US's congress he eventually leaves with an extremely bitter taste in his mouth. (Do not try to draw innuendo from this 😛)

Some of you may recall that this is my third term as a member of Congress in the US. My first two terms were in New Jersey: 25 December 2008 - 24 January 2009; 25 January 2009 - 24 February 2009. And once in Missouri: 25 February 2009 - present.

In my three terms I have seen 3 different presidents. Benn Dover, Justinious McWalburgson III, and Uncle Sam. I remember in each there being a new war, France, Portugal and lastly Mexico. None of this bothered me. It's a game and war is generally, when performed properly, good for everyone and everything. It benefits companies (most all of them) and people and their wellness.

Like I've said none of this is what bothers me. What does bother me is how useless Congress actually is.

[A Sincere Description IMO]

When I became a Congressman in December I was excited. I thought it would be fun and would never get old. I had already been a member of the eUS Forums for quite a while and had been watching the (then) public debates over different issues.

That first term I made a website and all these other great ideas and worked and got re-elected in a landslide in january. This term, however, fell right within the first two weeks of my new semester at university. I got busy IRL and Franco stole everything of ours, wrecked our forums, etc. and I registered on the new forums.

Sadly real life kept me from getting as into debates as I was for my first term but I was still able to skim the arguments when a proposal came up. I noticed how hostile everyone was becoming towards each other, although flaming was not yet a major problem. Everything was decent.

Next month I didn't feel it fair to run in New Jersey for a third term with three promising new candidates who had discussed with me their desire to run. So I moved to Missouri to, basically, keep Desertfalcon (or Dessertfailcon... mmmm dessert) out of office. I've been a bit more active this term but I have refused to participate in these debates as I've seen general statements being taken as personal insults. I felt it not necessary to ruin possible good future relations.

Unfortunately when I decided to join in a discussion, a not so serious proposal to impeach Sam, I got carried away with my sense of humor and insulted someone. I've already patched it up with Congressman Brophy but I will not forget next time to just shut my mouth and not try to be funny in a "serious place."

Nonetheless, Congress has become a waste of space on our eUS Forums and this is not meant to be disrespectful to our Speaker of the House, kyle321n or some of the other more mature and Senior members who know how Congress should be. Don't get me wrong, this includes some of the new players but I've seen some new members just go head to head with some of the older players who may not be in congress anymore simply because they are trying to be helpful in offering their sincere opinion.


I find myself quite sadly disgusted with Congress as it is right now. There is a large percentage (too large for my liking) of the members who think they are the only ones who know how to fix what is wrong and unless you have the same or similar opinion, your ideas are personal insults and need to be ground into the dirt.

I admit, we are all humans and can get into a debate, but when you carry resentments over from one debate to the next is when it starts to get out of hand.

[Leaving Congress]

I no longer know if I will even wait until March 25th to leave Congress. I may leave before it. To be honest, this last impeachment of our president by a dear friend has really driven me over the edge.

For all of you wondering what my vote was, I chose to abstain from this vote. The arguments for both sides are very well thought out and argued and I cannot honestly decide. I refuse to let my friendship with our President color my opinions because otherwise I would be voting for the wrong reason.

If you guys notice one less Congressman, or my fellow Congressmen get the notice that I resigned, this is my letter to the nation explaining why.

At the very least I will not be running for re-election.

I also hope that this will be my last serious article as some of you may have noticed, I've been pushing towards lulz articles and I hope that I may continue to bring some humor back into this game