ChristijanXD-your Kongres candidat

Day 1,708, 01:21 Published in Finland United Kingdom by Pargali Ibrahim Pasha

Dear eFinish BROTHERS,
Today I am publishing my candidacy for Congressman in Lapland.

I will not promise you mountains and valleys in fact I will not promise you anything that can't be done my dear brothers, but what can be done in this game will be done.

I will try to shape Congress into better place for everyone with good will to participate in today erep politic and I already have experience because I was congressman in my former country - Croatia.
As you know Croatia is one of the biggest factor in EDEN alliance and I am willing to share, that experience from such influential country with you.

Dear eFinlands, if you are afraid that your voice will be manipulated by others or if you doubt your choice because of corruption I am assuring that I am a GOOD CHOICE FOR YOU!