/Begin rant

Day 988, 05:16 Published in Singapore Ireland by Flaco Jimenez

As a long term eSingaporean citizen I am concerned with the current state of our e-country.

I am not as concerned with who wins an election as I am in the fairness of the process and participation of interested parties. Allowing a minority of citizens to decide a single candidate to run for ePresident smacks of communism.

I am concerned with the threats enacted in the name of security as well. Blacklisting when someone does not tow the line as directed by those is sim power is not security it is totalitarianism. The mere possibility of PTO does not remove the right of self determination and free will.

This is a game and should be played for fun. The levels of nonsense enacted to "combat" PTO's are ludicrous and far overreaching. As such it has had one good effect.

I will run for the next Presidential elections on the single platform of dismantling any such totalitarian decrees and push forward the ratification of our Constitution to prohibit such actions from taking place in the future.

/end rant.