#ausrep, the gem of eAustralia

Day 1,131, 22:13 Published in Australia Australia by Callumh123

Through the many communities and countries in eRepublik, you will not come across such a group as the eAustralians. I am not saying that other countries are not fun and quirky, but the eAustralian community cannot be beat. Many groups have there own goals and almost no one gets along, but really what fun would it be if everyone got along?

All irc regulars which consists of lately: Hinokai, Discrate1, myself, Henry the 8th, Aussie Bloke, Arthur Cole, pierricbross, Snayke, Arfman, scotywest, Jade Anon, KickJr, Wozzup1223, Scotitan, Larni, IMD, Bunny are a lot different to the players you will find in other channels, they are all completely different in there own way and that is what keeps eAustralia fun and fresh.

pierricbross: Our furry little friend seems to always pop up during times when sex is discussed, or him wanting to make videos of himself doing various disgusting things, like the video of him drinking his own piss.. fun.

Snayke: Frequently turns down free sex.

AC: Most of our elders even though he is about 5 years younger than the regulars.

AB: Works at KFC.. nuff said.

Discrate1: #ausreps delusional, ADHD kid as infin would say. Is a true patriot and stands up for whats right and never backs down to anything.

Hinokai: Has trouble letting go of his money.. or giving it.

At the moment it seems eAustralia is divided up into 3 sections

The eRepublik crew:Those who don't like using the forums and do not dare to enter #ausrep because of the things that happen there. They are usually the rich players.

The forum crew" Or as Discrate1 would call them people with god complexes. Forum people are the pretty serious players of eRep, occasionally show up on irc out of good faith but don't tend to hang around much, apparently have more "important things to do".

#ausrep crew: Pretty much all the frequent talkers on irc, is mostly a place where people interact and muck around. Old players who rarely play or quit also like to hang around irc to keep in touch. Though a lot of #ausrepers are quite involved they like doing most of there talking on irc than forums or eRepublik.

#ausrep is not all eRepublik talk. Hell it is only a fragment to what #ausrep truly is. There is hardly a dull conversation in there, why? simple there is just so much to talk about. We talk about real life, games, sports (Damn you Australian cricket!), Supremacy1914 is probably the most discussed game on #ausrep, food and having no money. These are regular topics and it is easy to make conversation with anyone, all you have to do is make the effort. The thing most people hate are idlers, people who make no attempt to socialize.

If your new or never have tried irc, come have a chat with us on #ausrep, may it be becoming involved, some people to talk to or just want to feel the meaning of community, no where beats #ausrep.

http://www.auserepublik.com/irc/index.html is the link, why not come have a talk?


Coming out tomorrow, the eAustralian community census results.