[A Private Citizen's Thoughts]

Day 492, 07:36 Published in USA USA by Ian John Locke IV

I know a lot of you are now wondering why I ran in the first place even after writing my last article and proclaiming my deep discontent with these "youngins".

Well for one, this is a game, and I find the electioneering to be the most fun and since this was a free race, I saw no reason NOT to run.

The AAP stayed approximately the same this month and I'm proud of changewillcome as he did most of it himself. This was my goal to start it up, get it organized and into a pattern and then slowly leave the responsibility on someone else so that I could leave this enormous position of responsibility on April 16th.

From here on out, I am no long Congressman Ian John Locke IV, of New Jersey twice and Missouri once, but I am simply Captain Ian John Locke IV of the 1st Company, 1st Division of the 1st Army.

I will devote my newspaper to lulz and, on occasion, discontent with the government. I will more likely than not be criticizing the critics who happen to be criticizing the government.

[Our New President...]

I have congratulated him and his team in private, but in publication I would like to congratulate President Scrabman on not screwing up yet 😛

As all good presidents have, I'm sure he'll do so soon 😉

[On my run as Nathan Woods' Vice Presidential Pick...]

Ah this part can wait for some other article 😉

[Future Articles?]

I might pull an Uncle Sam and do a whole series of hyperbolic autobiographical articles so as to promote myself as Nathan's VP, which I will of course then reference in my article for the Vice Presidency and use them to promote Nathan... of course -,-

[Who do I endorse on April 5, 2009?]

Hm, this is a tough choice

Who will the AAP endorse on April 5, 2009?]

We're still debating this issue. I am personally friends with every candidate and cannot be trusted to make an unbiased decision in any case. I have recused myself of this debate.

[Anything else you rambler you?]

Maybe... maybe not

Oh yeah, ...

This is it 😛

Bai guise