[A New Congressman for New Jersey]

Day 402, 11:58 Published in USA USA by Ian John Locke IV
[December 25, 2008 Congressional Elections]
Well I would like to thank the citizens of New Jersey who came out and voted yesterday, even if they didn't vote for me.

The final tally ended up being
Ian John Locke IV (AAP)
Manuel Pereira (USWP)
Captain-Commander Tak (Libs) --- 2
Paulanus (UCP) (Incumbent)
Erik Victor (RfC)

I hope all four of you feel comfortable coming to me and voicing your opinions on current law proposals and allowing me to discuss and debate them with you.

I also hope the rest of the New Jersey residents will do the same. It is why I am here and why I was elected. Naturally if you look at the number of people who voted (9+6+2+2+2 🙂, 21, as compared to our population as a whole is 175 and only about 68 of which had enough experience points to vote. This means out of our total population exactly 12% voted, but out of the eligible population approximately 31% of our population voted.

This is still a low voter turn out and is disappointing but can be excused considering yesterday was a major RL holiday. (By the way Merry Christmas and Happy Hanukkah to everyone celebrating. Happy Holidays in general.) I hope that in the future these percentages can lead the country in voter turnout.

[Law Proposals]

-Mutual Protection Pact
Proposed by Alex Craciun
President of Romania proposed a mutual protection pact (MPP) with USA.
--How I voted
Well Romania is a member of Atlantis but it has a vote standing to go to war with Russia. Russia has just regained it's territory and Romania is solely seeking Russia's gold. The USA does not and never will condone such actions and therefore should not go forward with this MPP.
--How it looks like it will turn out
It seems right now (40 Yes, 11 No) as if this will pass, much to my own chagrin.
--Direct influence on New Jersey
None, except this will cost 30 gold for the country, 30 gold that will not go toward getting New Jersey the higher quality hospital it deserves.

-Buy Constructions
Proposed by Benn Dover
Do you agree that USA should buy a defense system (DS) of quality 1 (Q1) from Block's and Lock's Defense Inc (VP's Company) company at the price of 99999 USD for South Carolina?
--How I voted
SC has a few foreign borders and this DS is basically a necessity for the security of our country. There is some controversy, however, over this being the Vice President's company, however.
--How it looks like it will turn out
This will pass
--Direct influence on New Jersey?
None that I can tell you of.

-President Impeachment
Proposed by Kyle321n
Do you want the current president of USA to end this office?
--How I voted
The two worst things Benn has done, are A) not organize this war with France before starting it; 😎 accuse the USWP of treason. Neither, however, are impeachable material.
Besides, this proposal was a joke by Kyle321n
--How it looks like it will turn out
This will not pass
--Direct influence on New Jersey?

Thanks for reading.

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