[A Couple of Things... This May End up as a WoT or Two Articles]

Day 497, 06:56 Published in USA USA by Ian John Locke IV

So I think I am going to have to resign my position in the AAP as Party President. This month has been tough for me in many respects.

Some of you are thinking... oh great someone using real life as an excuse to recuse themself from responsibility. Actually, my real life has been somewhat manageable, so don't get all pissy on me.

As many of you might know, after Uncle Sam's election last month, I promised Scrabman, on an article of his, that I'd work for his campaign this month. And I had all intention of doing so this month. Scrabman is a very intellgent and strong player. He's even tempered and respectful. He's the kind of politician I wish we had more of in real life. This promise of working for his campaign did not mean that I had planned to endorse him using the party presidency of the AAP. I am not so cocky as to believe that the whole of the AAP would support that and given the fact I have left it up to them the past two months to decide who they wish to endorse for "Our Next Candidate", I was going to do so again this month.

Of course the admins had to institute re-Captcha making it impossible for me to PM my entire party easily, cutting off communications and not allowing me to send out an "official" poll this month. As such, I have been accepting PMs as an indication of who a person has wanted the AAP to endorse. Almost as if they were voting in a poll, only without anonymity.

Earlier this month, Nathan Woods approached me on IRC and asked me to be his Vice Presidential running mate (I'm just recapping from my last article) and after seeing his platform I felt compelled to accept.

As many of you know Scrabman, PrincessMedyPi, John Jay and Nathan Woods are all running this month for President of the United States (POTUS aka CP). I'm not best of friends with MedyPi or Scrabman by any means but I respect and consider both to be great players, both of whom I admire for having the personal strength to run for this office. Because of my semi-close relations with all four I have decided to leave my own personal opinion out of the decision making this month.

At first, the party seemed in a dead lock between Scrab, MedyPi, JJ and Nate. Recently however, Scrab and JJ pulled out far in front in terms of how much support I was receiving via PM. Even more recently, Scrabman seemed to be the clear choice of the party. Within the past couple days the support for John Jay has mounted and overcome the support for Scrabman. Am I surprised by this? Just a bit. Seeing this and seeing as how I was planning on endorsing someone by today, whoever had the lead in support, I realized that I must endorse John Jay.

Clearly there will be some controversy in this decision. Why you ask?

The AAP and USWP consider the members of the other party to be like brothers. Kin. Family. Cousins. How ever you wish to word it, we consider the members of the other party to be close to our hearts. This can be demonstrated by my frequent presence in the USWP's IRC channel and occassional comments on their forums. I expect many angry messages from both AAP members and USWP members. Also, many members have a very sour taste in their mouth from when John Jay left the AAP after I resigned my election as PP to Uncle Sam. Most recently he and Equality 7-2521 have been seen to be arch-enemies. Temp bans from #usa-chat and other events have sparked this apparent hatred and nothing seems to be able to put out the fire. Likewise, it seems, that our very own Uncle Sam, by his posts on the AAP forums, has a severe hatred and dislike for John Jay and supports Scrabman for POTUS.

Likewise, I expect many messages of thanks and etc from Marines and other military members. As you can guess John Jay is extremely well liked by a large group of them, with the exception of a few army officials.

[So why are you resigning if you seem to be so justified?]

Well as I said this has been a tough race. I'm running Nathan Woods' campaign, generally, and organzing that and even if the AAP had chosen him I would have been seen as impartial.

I have been known to defend John Jay on the AAP forums way more than once.

PrincessMedyPi is just an amazing friend.

Scrabman and I have had long discussions in the past on politics and other crucial topics relative to the times, when he had asked me to be his running mate two months ago.

There is no way that I could, at any time, be seen as am impartial observer or decision maker in this race. As such I am resigning.

For those of you who do not know, when a PP resigns the presidency goes to the next highest ranking member of the party. In this case that is Uncle Sam.

If you've been reading the whole article (😉) you would have noticed my noting Uncle Sam's deep dislike of John Jay and support of Scrabman. Some would say, since it is the party's decision, why not stand your ground? Well, in this case I know I am right in what I have done but I cannot continue my duties as PP while being bombarded by all four of these people to endorse them for CP. If I do not resign, I expect that everytime I sign onto IRC from now until April 5, I will be immediately PMed by any of the four that happen to be on, with the exception of Nathan as he had stopped asking me for my endorsement. Besides this, I expect Sam to do the right thing and leave John Jay as the party's nominee. Many may try to argue his poor showing as POTUS, but in the past he has always been a trustworthy and hardworking PP. I trust him.

[So what's this other topic you seem to want to discuss?]

Well my role as Vice President, but I'll probably, seeing as how long this is, release it in a separate article later today.

-Ian John Locke IV