1000q5 tanks

Day 1,643, 06:23 Published in Finland United Kingdom by Pargali Ibrahim Pasha

Moj prijatelj Zagreb-Kolerik daje tenkove! http://www.erepublik.com/en/citizen/profile/2200484
Svi koji želite tenkove morate učiniti sljedeće:
- vote , shoot i subiscribes njegove novine. http://www.erepublik.com/en/newspaper/zagreb-kolerik-enews-255129/1
- u komentaru mu na napisali broj vote i subscribes.
Te će on kada skupi 2000 pretplatnika donirati 1000q5 tenkova.

Englesh:[/ b]
My friend, a Zagreb-coleric donate tanks [/ b] http://www.erepublik.com/en/citizen/profile/2200484
All those who want the tanks have to do the following:
- Vote , shoot and subiscribes his newspaper.
- In a commentary he wrote on the number of votes and subscribes.
And when he gathered 2000 subscribers to donate 1000q5 tanks.
