Training War; Knighthawks MU; and my challenge

Day 1,490, 16:13 Published in Greece Australia by infin

OK since I come up with all the good ideas I will recap and move forward both in this article.

Thanks to Srg91 in accepting my advice from this article for getting a training war going with NZ. It seeems to be going well for Aussie, it's just a pity I moved to Greece already by that time. Those Greeks sure do take war seriously. I would love to move back to Aussie once I know they are serious about war and don't afraid of anyone.



This is the biggest and best MU in Australia and we have many fighting legends in our team (and also Henry the 8th). If you work for the Knighthawks you get 6 x Q5 weapons and 500 food per day which is awesome supplies. Come into #knighthawks irc channel or message henry the 9th, srg91 or myself for info. Knighthawks = good times.


Finally, I have a challenge for the Australian Government. We need to lose a region to NZ for the holiday season and then have a 1v1 Resistance War smackdown between Christmas and New Year where everyone can go for their campaign record achievements and unleashment mountains of fury with their bazooka and candy bar stockpiles.

This is the moment wwe have been waiting for. I know I have to think up all the ideas, so I don't even want any thankls for this. Just do it and let's have some fun!