The essence of leadership

Day 1,591, 21:59 Published in Australia Australia by infin

I don't often cross over the principles of leadership from real world business and politics to erep because erep is a lulzy place and should be fun but I had to laugh when I read that some sort of quasi joint ticket was being proposed by Greenimp and Arfman to run for Country President. No disrespect to either of these blokes who in their own right are standup citizens but bhis has to be the UN equivalent of leadership if ever I have seen it.

My appearance when I read the proposal.

A leader is an executive - they have ultimate accountability. There is no point having a leader if upon a mistake being made they simply point the finger at their co-leader. It is the most ridiculous proposition I have ever heard in my time of playing this game (and I have heard some doozies).

This is more than lulzy, this is straight out messed up. Leaders should have executive power, ie. what they say goes, they shouldn't have to check with their other half. That's called marriage!

The person who pushes the buttons is the CP. Whoever else is involved whether they be deputy CP or co-CP, they are just part of the entourage as far as I am concerned. Don't vote for this dud idea.

We need a leader who is confident to run in their own right and deliver some LEADERSHIP. Vote Witherd1