Sen. Eyebrows illegal impeachment

Day 1,752, 16:16 Published in Australia Australia by infin

I noticed that Senator Eyebrows commenced an illegal impeachment today. Our Dear Leader DocterDry2 has not even been in the chair for 12 hours and he is impeached?

What were the grounds for the impeachment Eyebrows?

Was is because your don't like DocterDry2? Was it because you had been told by someone else to impeachment DD2?

Look up the word "prejudice" mean to judge prematurely. Stop being so prejudiced, pull your head in, and do your job as a senator. Same goes for the other 8 who voted in support of Eyebrows' illegal impeachment.

I dare any of those Senators IN THIS ARTICLE to name one reason to impeachment DD2 12 hours into his term so far. You're a disgrace and if you can;t work with DD2 then resign.

I don't have time for kids.

ANP Senator for Qld