My thoughts on ATO - Anti-takeover

Day 1,405, 20:50 Published in Australia Australia by infin

1. PTOers - Political Take Overererers (bad guys designated by the ATOers - Anti-Take Overs) threaten our country and our democracy.

2. Suspend normal Australian democractic process to ensure PTOers cannot win.

3. Wait what?

Who is charge of the Australian ATO?

Why are they in charge?

How were they elected?

What gives an ATO any right at all to do anything?

What if someone is improperly designated a PTOer? Do they have any rights of appeal?

Does the ATO effort actually know anything or is it just another fancy titled group?

I suggest you steer well clear of anything titled ATO or PTO.

Just vote for people you know well and who you know to work for Australian interests.

Kind regards,