My plan to run as CP

Day 1,436, 21:22 Published in Australia Australia by infin

As a member of both our ADF leadership and Knighthawks MU, I have been most impressed by the improvement in organisation by both units. Also their level of cooperation has been exemplary the last few months. As per my previous article, it is not producitve for the two units to compete, they need to work in unison to achieve a single goal of military victory.

Erepublik is a team work based game. There is no way to force ANYONE to do anything in erep, so goals can only be achieved through the art of persuasion and also discipline of units, an essential military trait.

I provide the highest kudos in ADF to Majester and Venja and their Quarter Masters: Michael Windsor, Wozzzup123, Lord Ferrum, F0rse7i. Soliders cannot march on an empty stomach. And in Knighthawks, well it's all ronnyjnrjnr and Henry. All these guys have shown what it's really about.

I have become very cynical of the political module in erep. The level of debate in the country is not very mature or detailed. I was pleased to pass my tax reform initiatives a couple of months back and I think whilst Senator we achieved the perfect balance for our economy. The budget has worked adeqauetly the last two months based on current revenue.

The final frontier of reform for me is military funding and that's why I am running for CP this month. I have a plan to fund Military Units other than the ADF. Any MU loyal to Australia will be able to tap into an allocated pool of funding for approved MUs which will be controlled by my Minister of Defence. Each MU wanting to apply to participate in the scheme will lodge a 25g bond with the MoD and in return they will be allocted funding to participate according to Government orders.

Any MU disobeying orders will forfeit all or part of their bond at the MoD's discretion. They would also face the termination of their contract. The MoD would lodge a report at the end of the term outlining the level of funding to each MU.

At the same time I will maintain substantial funding to the ADF as they are the primary gateway for Aussies to get involved in the military module.

I hope to achieve three main things with this policy:

1. More participation by Aussies in military activity;
2. More flexibile delivery of damage via multiple units; and
3. More efficient allocation of resources through numerous MUs loyal to Australia being online at different times of the day.

I don't plan to change any alliances or strategic positioning of our country. Indo don't give a toss about us and neither do NZ so the battle must rage on with our allies. We just need to do this as effectively as we possibly can.

If this plan interests you then join the ANP and endorse my selection as CP. I am looking for people who want to jump on board and have a fun ride. It's no lolz candidate this term, it's the real deal. If I don't get elected then I will be proud to have tried something different.

Regards, infin