Moving forward

Day 4,153, 09:21 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Sir Humphrey Appleby

Good afternoon lads o/,

A week ago some of us touched a bit on why, despite all it’s unsolved shortcomings, we’ve stuck about here on eRep. Reoccuring themes seem to be a distant sense of community married with a general disillusionment. International readers will forgive me if I focus specifically on the eUK here, where this feeling has been rather strangely agitated from the very real threat of it being PTO’d away.

It has prompted lengthy but inconclusive discussions on how to address this collectively as a national community. It has been a long while since this last happened and I’ll touch upon some of the major ideas in a moment. First however, I’d like to give a nod to PN who had the initiative to get it going. If we can regain a bit of focus and gamble on working towards consensus then we can accord ourselves some long overdue national self-respect.

Ultimately we should want to have this sort of team building exercise outside the threat of a PTO too. Our politics have for years been tribally entrenched, and finally having a forum other than mongress to approach issues affecting all of us could see some old services restored. But this will require all of us putting our heads together rather than leaving it to the poor sod who volunteered to be CP for the month.

1 - Protective Dictatorship

I expect a couple of handfuls of us remember the last time we tried this under Mr Woldy. The object then was more to prevent a ‘military take over’ than a political one, but the mechanics work just as well. If we can command more damage than our would be PTOers, then the functions of the state are secured with whoever we’ve arranged.

There would be a question mark over our ability to indefinitely fund the upkeep costs; however we should be fine for a while. I expect some would also dread the necessary meta/guidelines on how the dictatorship would work.

2 - Community Merger

I expect English nationalists will be delighted with Woldy’s idea of merging with another small nation like Ireland. If we take the massive assumption that their community would be willing as a given here, there are many innate benefits and drawbacks. With more citizens, shared damage and slightly more active government the ability to react to PTOs and other threats is enhanced. There are also tangible bonuses to resources and our economy.

There would have to be cultural and political sacrifices in the loss of identity, however framed as a merger. Game mechanics demand one would have to wipe the other, and a meta ‘merge’ to avoid this would effectively be as meaningful as a close alliance.

3 - PTO the PTOers

Whether this would be useful given they can simply create and move to another party is up for a debate, but it sends a message. I expect that there are more natives, particularly half asleep, who could be roused to outnumber the would be PTOers in a straight up brute force election night. This would require a moderate degree of coordination to pull off, though I doubt there could be any avoiding their rise to the top 5 again for mongress.

Thus I expect it would end in a game of silly buggers being played every 15th until one side gives up.

4 - Naturalise the PTOers

For the optimistic among us, open hostility can be peacefully avoided. I expect if a couple of key conditions were met, then the some of the newcomers can be enthusiastically introduced to the rest of the eUK. For me, this would be a stop to citizenship passes unless mongress gives the nod; and a demonstration that they are eager and able to assist the eUK beyond the intention of seizing government.

That Pargali was given the mostly defunct MoE post was a major mistake (though continuing the tradition of lacking fluency in English). Newcomers need to get their hands dirty and work their way up, rather than demanding or PTO’ing a position.

Moving forward - the eUK

Whichever route we take from here, I hope we can at least learn from the process. If we can successfully defend ourselves then it would break several hearts to focus that sense of community into rebuilding itself. I’ve had a couple of ideas that Huey and I will be working on in the almost certain event he’s re-elected tomorrow; one of them getting a national leaderboard up again.

Ultimately however our survival will depend on the ability of everyone left to all try. I have a horrible suspicion that I’ll still be here in a year or so (if this still exists). The traditional divide will have to be crossed for the next round of our history and I honestly look forward to the opportunities that can present, with a little effort.

Cheers gents, sorry about the wall of text o7
