Meet epicness NO 3

Day 1,646, 09:24 Published in Croatia Croatia by Daria89

Nataliia from Galicia
My name is Nataliia 🙂 I come from Ukraine, it’s Galicia and Lodomeria region here in the game. I’m 22 years old 😛 I’m finishing the academy of banking and I’m planning to continue education and get the master’s degree.
As for my free time, try to guess where I spend most of it 😃
But still I like music. Among foreign bands the most I like is Coldplay and, of course, I like my native music. Also, I like travelling a lot. I have visited several countries. I have a dream to visit the North of Europe. I wanna see that beautiful mountains J Frankly saying I was charmed by the beauty of Europe, but I should admit that Ukraine is the most beautiful country in the world 😛 Besides I’m fond of reading. I prefer classical literature to modern. Classical is more interesting I guess. Also I collect stamps. I you want to help me to get stamps from all over the world, write me letters 😛 I will be very glad to get them and I’ll answer them with pleasure 🙂
I found this game more then a year ago. I was looking for a movie when I saw the advertisement of eRepublik. It said something about eUkraine and I decided to check it. It’s my first on-line game and I hope the last one 🙂
I joined the Irish citizen army at the end of March. I decided to broaden my outlook about the game. I’m glad to be a part of this community, ‘cause I like these crazy people 🙂

1)I have a Philip
2)I come from Varazdin, Croatia
3)I am in the IRL 3 months
5)joke and jostle, fun

Alex Drex
1) My name is Alex in real life.
2) I live in Washington State, USA.
3) I am 17 years old.
4) I enjoy going to concerts and movies. I love hanging out with friends. I enjoy swimming in the summertime. I also like playing video games. :3
5) I've played this game for a long ass time - the end of this summer will mark my third year. 😮 I don't really remember what got me started, some advertisement from another website I was on. Random chance, really. Met some great friends and I've been here ever since.

1) Domagoj
2) Sisak, Croatia, Europe
3) 25
4) My hobie? Driknig beer mostly, but I don't have any problem driniking other alcoholic drinks. I work in firm that produce plastic bags. In free time I'm reading books, believe it or not, curently "A Song of Ice and Fire".
5) I'm not sure, but i think it was through some article on internet who was inviting us to fight against Slovenia.

Amun Nefer
1)My name is Henry IRL.
2)I am from New York, but I'm in Greenwich, Connecticut during the weekends. I used to live in Washington D.C. as well for Uni, but now I've graduated. :<
3)I am 22 years old, born 18 November, 1989. They had to bring the wall down nine days prior so I wouldn't be born during the Cold War. :3
4)Well, I enjoy reading, cooking, fishing, Movies, and I spend some time on IRC and eRep. I also enjoy being with my dog, Amow and my cat, Mangy. Going for walks at the countryhouse is also nice. 🙂
5)Judean Princess brought me back after we stopped playing. She was nostalgic and missed the trolling. It was also nice to come back to the game. Now we can start our plan to spread our evil throughout the world with the help of the ICA! MUHAHAHAHA >:3

1)zovem se hrvoje
2)iz hrvatske sam
5)ne bavim se nicime
4)poslao mi netko link na fejsu

1) Bojan
2) Split,Croatia
3) 21, soon 22 (3months more)
4) in past atletics, now just football with friends, LoL and playing picigin
And one more thing that isn't the hobi Hajduk Split 🙂
5) Really i dont know how i started this it was few years ago i stoped playing soon donated everything to country and later i came back without reason 🙂

1. I would like to keep that for myself for now.
2.I'm from Split, Croatia, the most beautiful city in the world.
3. 21. I was born on the same date Iulius Caesar got murdered on. 😃
4. Okay here comes a novel. I finished classical gymnasium (high school based on studying
ancient greek and roman culture and language), now I'm studying law school. I have been
working in the national theater in Split for the last 4 years, obviously I started very
young. Now I moved on to a more fun job, I work for Jagermeister but I'll try to keep both
jobs. HARDWORKER medal ftw?
I'm a sports freak so here we go... I play footie and I'm a goalie, atm I'm playing for an
amateur futsal team in a local league. I run every week and workout in gym, used to
practice boxing but I simply don't have enough time atm, hopefully I'll continue this
autumn... This is quite a lot of activity so no room for other sports but I enjoy watching
almost every sport. Favs are ofc footie, rugby, basketball, tennis.
5. I decided to help a mate get SB medal, so I got to lvl 10 like 2.5 months ago.

1)My name is Marko Jurić and my friends call me Boem (Bohemian in Our language).
2)I come from a beautiful little place in Croatia called Momići.
3)My age is 17.
4)I don't have hobbies. I just lie on my sofa the whole day. LOL But in my free time I play football at the weekends but read books more often. I go out with my friends as well.
5)I came in this game a long time ago. I don't even remember! Really!

Faca je pa mora njegove 2 slike biti 😃