Meet epicness NO 2

Day 1,644, 08:34 Published in Croatia Croatia by Daria89

1. I'm Sandra 🙂
2. Vukovar, Croatia 🙂
3. I'm 18 years old
4. I play erpublik, I'm in school or with Ivan (MUFC92) whole day and night 😛
5. My boyfriend asked me to join throught his referral and I continue to play 🙂

1) Ivan
2) Borovo - Metropola
3) 19
4) eRepublik, basketball in club, football for chilling (real football, not US cr*p), table football (footie), drinking coffees, playing bets in SuperSport....
5) When there was some ad on facebook about how Serbia attacked Croatia, couldn't resist 😳

Ethel Rosenberg
1. What’s my name iRL – Kathy, but my friends call me Kat
2. Where do I come from iRL – the United States of America, specifically from Holland, Michigan
3. How old am I iRL – 51 – yes, you read that right.
4. What are my hobbies, what am I doing iRL, how do I spend my free time – I am a very good cook. I love to knit. I am an amateur photographer. I love my job – and recently got a promotion at work.
5. What brings me to this game? My best friend iRL CFovetS invited me to play eRep, he is one of the main reasons I stay – it is something we do together. The other reason is the ICA – this is the best MU in all of eRepublik!! THE I, THE I, THE ICA!! \o/

1) my real name is Zvone!
2) I come From Livno, Bosnia
3) I'm 22 years old
4) I'm building a model of a ship and working like a wep developer
5) i started playing on v1 liek a tester but didn't like the game and stoped and afer a year a friend coled me to help him whit gold and creat a account, and so i started playing!

1) Alex
2) Israel
3) 24
4) Healer
5) Friend

1) What's your name iRL - Brian C
2) Where u come from iRL - Dublin, Ireland
3) How old u are iRL - 16
4) What are your hobies, what you doing in RL, how you spend your free time - Athletics mainly, I train 5 days a week and have raced at European level.
5) What brings you in this game? The craic within the ICA, always good fun.


2)Israel Hasharon
3)14.6 months
4)i love play paintball and walk and climb mountain 😃 i use the computer
5)i saw signature of friend

1) Alexandre
2) Suburbs of Paris, France
3) 21
4) I mostly play music (guitar, bass, drums...) and I am a fan of recodring process (like Recording gear in studios...)
I skate, I really love it, I play video games, especially messing around on the Xbox Live managing my international Skate 3 team. I'm a student doing an English degree at the university : )
5) A famous video game's website highlighting the game 2 years ago because eFrance needed help.

1) Fritzhill
2) Canada
3) older than sand 46
4)erep,camping, fishing. Me work in Gas Industry people keep me in this game .