Make believe laws don't work

Day 1,470, 17:58 Published in Australia Australia by infin

The eAustralian forums aka "the fount of all wisdom" is currently deliberating whether we should institute make-believe laws to pretend we have a Senate this month. That is even though eAustralia was wiped on the critical date and thus we are not entitled to have a Senate under eRepublik laws.

You can see the discussion here.

Now some people have argued "If we don't have a senate then who will supervise the expenditure of the Country President?" Normally the Senate acts as a house of review to ensure the CP spends country finances wisely. Well regardless of whether we have the make-believe Senate or not, it won't matter, because the make-believe Senate has no power in-game over the CP!

Role playing simply doesn't work in this game. The only thing that works is people operating within their spheres of actual power be it military, business or political. Perceived or make-believe power is a paper tiger, because once the make-believe power is ignored, all we have left is a bunch of tired and cranky kids, upset that their role-playing fantasy was ignored.

If we want to have a Senate we have to win a region back, that's all there is to it. Make-believe games don't win us regions back.