Ljudi su pravi resurs ove igre/People as human resource of the game

Day 1,236, 09:09 Published in New Zealand Serbia by DaRkO 206

Nakon brda prozivanja o tome kako imam multije i/ili kupujem gold za RL novac odlucio da sam podelim sa vama stalan izvor e-prihoda.

Nikada nisam imao q5 kompaniju, doduse drzao sam odjednom par q3 i q4 firmi ali jos u v1. Nabio sam 70 BH medalja, preko milion rank poena, preko 16000 exp-a i preko 3600 str.

Shvatite da su ljudi jedini izvor ove igre, ako su vec aMini na to zaboravili. Ne tuce laznih naloga, golda, kompanija vec ljudi sa druge strane ekrana. Oni sa kojima cete se upoznati, druziti jos vise ako ste se ranije znali, oni sa kojima cete piti, sa kojima cete se smuvati, koje cete bolje upoznati zahvaljujuci jednoj mizarnoj igrici - eRepublik.

Pozdrav 2500-om prijatelju!

Upozorio bih vas na prevare koje se vrte ingame i pohvalio moderatorski tim koji je reagovao veoma brzo.


After so much accusing me that I have multies and/or I’m buying Gold for RL money I decided to share with you my permanent source of e-money.

I never had q5 company, despite some q3 and q4 in eRepublik V1. I got 70 BH medals, more than a million rank points, over 16000 exp and more than 3600 strength.

You have to get it that people are the only real source of the game, if someone other already forgot that. Not farms of multies, gold, companies or whatever, but ones from other side of monitor. They are people who you will meet, with whom you’ll be spending more time than joining the game, ones who drink with you, ones who would be your girlfriends/boyfriends, ones with who you’ll get each other better because of one small game – eRepublik..

Hello to my 2500th friend!

One warning: Be aware of fake accounts trying to steal your credentials ingame! Also, I would to congratulate moderators on quick response.

Sve najbolje / All the best,